Syntakt only for techno?

15 step alone is going to push me to say, stick with DAW. The sounds you can absolutely create, the general vibe, but like… 15 step is in 5/4 and you’re going to have a really rough time plotting that out in four 16 step pages. If you were to set the DAW to 5/4 and run Syntakt or whatever as an external instrument with the daw sending out note information it could work, but doesn’t seem worth the money imo. At that point I’d rather have a full-fledged flexible synth to create sounds with for arrangement

Syntakt can do much more than just Techno.


Great !

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15 step was en exemple for the type of music and sounds, I don’t want to reproduce it.
Syntakt seems to be a pretty good synth too (even if it lacks of polyphony).
I don’t have hardware synth (just Nord Piano 4) so I would like to use it as much as a drum machine as a synth.

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Can you send some examples? I am considering buying the device as I want to do Techno but with a bit more psychedelic vibe (trippy bass sounds and one shots). I want to use Syntakt an Samples from it on the Digitakt / SP404MK2. I am on the fence as there are (in general) few good examples for psychedelic electronic music with hardware and I don’t want to get my hopes up if it is just something not with doing dawlessly due to complexity. Only channel I know is Substan

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i’m too lazy to record my semi-baked stuff, but have a look here:

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Much love, @chaocrator.

@enemoy The ST is fantastic for psytrance/psytechno/psy-all-the-things.


Just hoovered the whole house, washed all the floors and was feeling exhausted but this put me right back on track.
Thanks @Jeanne

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I didn’t think it has an apreggiator?

You can play/programme arpeggios by hand too.

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The Syntakt is perfect for this. I still do a bit of compression and limiting etc. on the computer, but I’ve made a ton of Syntakt only tracks. It’s probably the emperor of single device electronic music. It’s also perfectly at home doing completely live improv, and complete song mode tracks. It sounds incredible too. It’s basically made for it. Other than samples, there is nothing you can’t do on it in the Techno/Electro context.


Of course, if you really want samples, you can do this :wink:



As has been pointed out here, complex time signatures, automation etc. can be a pain to manage on the Syntakt…

But I’d say it is only a problem if your goal is “I know precisely how this is supposed to sound and need to make it happen”. Then a DAW is definitely the way to go. The Syntakt’s strength is instead in “Set pattern length to 15, mash the trig keys to randomly come up with a rhythm”.


Late to the party here, but could you elaborate? I’ve not seen many people advocate for the Syntakt’s ability to make pads, given the monophonic tracks. What’s your approach - chord machine, or are you running parallel tracks to build up the notes in a chord? Thanks in advance.


I prefer separate tracks for pads. The chord machine is nice, but I wish you could swap between a few different tables for it. That would REALLY open it up.


Yeah that would be awesome. Hopefully they’ll add that. @sezare56 thanks - eyes well and truly opened. Really hope those videos are without external effects boxes - if so, Syntakt sounds LUSH.

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The MK3 of any Digi was already here…

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ST direct out thru USB to smartphone video recording without any processing. :wink: