Syncing Elektron model Cycles to FLstudio

I have Send master sync in FlStudio enabled,and I have Midi/Sync/Clk in set to ON in the Cycles midi settings,and I set the port to Usb,but it does not Sync properly…I use only the usb midi & audio to usb cable that came with the product,Am I doing this right,Anyone??

Is FL sending just clock? Or is it sending transport also? Is your Cycles set up to receive Transport over USB (if it can, I know my Digitone does/can)?

Seems right, I hadn’t thought to use this with FL yet but I get it working:

In the Output section select M:C and choose ‘Send master sync’.

In the Input section (maybe this isn’t needed?) be sure to Enable the M:C (again, maybe not needed).

On the M:C my midi settings are

  • Clk In = On
  • Clk Out = Off
  • PCH In = On
  • PCH Out = On

Ports menu = Input from M+U, Out To M+U, Out Pol = STD.

I think a lot of these are defaults… I’m not 100%. This was a blank pattern though just to play it safe.

Hit play in FL, works fine, except first trig is missed. To get around this I nudged it 1/384 to the right.

Iammane,Thanks for helping!
These are my settings too(except from input m+u I have changed to Usb,and punch in /out I have to default :off)
At my end the first trig is missed too,so if I Iay Cycles over someting from FL it’s not in Sync.I can record it And cut the audio in the playlist,but not compose with it.I might add:On my other system where I use an audio device it works fine!

Ah - I was having similar issues in Cubasis 3… I ended up just not using it lol. Maybe the clock sync from FL a little out of whack? I’ll be honest I didn’t dig into it too much since I got it working perfectly fine in both AUM and GarageBand, and I’m basically off desktop DAWs

Hey so, I did a little more experimenting this morning… using GarageBand on iOS. I was recording all six tracks at the same time, midi enabled on all tracks (in and out) and I noticed there’s definitely a weird latency going on (this is over USB to CCK to phone).

I ended up getting fed up and said I’d try muting all tracks except one at a time, timing is MUCH better. I know this isn’t an ideal solution, but maybe that’s what’s going on in FL. You might not need to MUTE all of them, but maybe turning off midi if you only care about the audio?

In my case I’m happy to mute and record each track so I can process them separately, but if you don’t wanna do that maybe sending so much midi data over the USB cable simultaneously is causing a latency issue?