Superbooth 21

A.K.A. ….Paintbrush

with the special ‘handle’ feature…


I love your real life experience report reeloy. Wish so much i was there too !

Waldorf a nursing home ! :crazy_face:

Great you got to walk with Cenk. Did i understand he is demoing for Novation or did i get that wrong ? The after hours with Cenk and Troberg and all the other Ex-E is probably amazing, oh to be a fly on that bars wall.

Thank you for that slice of SB life.


Very impressive demo!
A couple fader mods, a couple preset mods and a 4ms pod(x)….I think I’m gonna start saving up (somehow)

First thing at Superbooth that’s caught my attention :+1:t6:

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It DOES allow for BAM (Bristle Angle Modulation)



…nope, he was’nt demoing anything…demo days are over, finally…
but yes, he performed a little live set at the novation booth…no novation gear involved, though…

forgot to mention…take 5 does’nt look nor feel like a sequential anymore…but hey, still sounds like one…


OOFFF…re Der Mann faders…

looks like you need a Droid module as well. that starts getting freakin expensive.

looks badass…and I gotta get my hands on that shit someday!
im tripping out :exploding_head:

X7 module…this shit is sweet

interesting !

Did you see the performance ? Do you know any of the equipment he used ? It’s a big world, and lots going on but it is fun to hear about all the different people as things change and life moves on.

…sure he does not go without an ot, of course…anniversary edition in this case…
but i had to miss out on most of it in the meantime…

and hell tripple yeah…the big world has become a global village and life moves on big time… :wink:


PWM has some hidden gems on their website, like this…



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He’s been posting clips on Instagram about the performance. I saw an OT AE, an old Korg Electribe EMX (? – forgive me as I’m not well versed on my old Korg models), and I think that was it for his set. There’s a bunch of other stuff on the table, but maybe they had other performers? There’s a really curious box in front of him that looks Neve-like. I’m curious about this thing. Maybe it will make the OT outputs less crap sounding.


Ordered a Synth Duster!

Shipping was more than the brush, but I had to have it :slight_smile:

Edit: My quick review here: Befaco Synth Duster


It’s a monitor controller.


oh phooey, that’s not as cool as the imaginary product I was creating in my head. Thanks.


Was he using the Hydrasynth or was that for someone else? I would love to see Cenk team up with Troburg and create a monster sampler


It really seemed like it was OT & Electribe only from the little clips I saw. With Cenk, he doesn’t need much more, right?!

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Oh shit lol.

I was thinking to save it as a top-off to get free shipping on orders from places.

Have a good, clean, dust free jam!

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I usually don’t jump in as an early adopter, but couldn’t handle the risk of it selling out!

My old synth duster got completely out classed by this.
I’ll do a full review once it arrives, and I get some time to put it through the paces.

People waiting are going to feel different when this baby is sold out!


Hope you can do an unboxing video , and get some reaction videos linked to those watching your unboxing video.

The internet
So wasted.

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that thing/system is insanely cool. too bad it’s also insanely expensive(the parts I’d want would set me back $2000).

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