Superbooth 19

if they make it playable live with good UI, than they could compete with this devices. Especially if they make it in a form of overbridge host mixer.

Vacuum tube volca wasn’t on my wish list or anything but that could be really fun at the right price point. I’d considered getting a few volcas for travel/portability as you can get two in a generic Amazon electronics case.

DT with 96 OUTPUTS!


em-101 here… :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s 7 results found for “Elektron Drum Machines”, but only 6 products listed on the results page. So if it means anything (which it doesn’t), it doesn’t point to a product being a synth or with keys.

I see 7 results listed under drum machines, same as quick search suggestion

This “lost” product can be rytm b-stock ( which you can access via normal rytm page or given direct link only but not listed.

Still no explanation for elektron_synthesizer_keyboards category.


The 6 I see

Yeah @Mutt is right, you’re missing the AR mk2 b-stock on your list.
It is the 7th product on my drum machines search result

Trawling Thomann for clues is a new one! This is excellent rumour mongering!

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It’s just a bit of a game you know. All just for fun.

I’ll share my wild speculations and we can check later if I was anywhere near the truth :upside_down_face:

Mark my words, it’ll be Elektron SynthWave synthesizer+sampler with keyboard in 3 days time. Not sure if it’s going to be analog or digi synthesis. Not sure how many voices.

I’m thinking sampler because recorder category was mentioned in the Synthwave patent page. Also, I assume music from recent Elektron Berlin studios promo vid was made on a new machine and I can hear a sample there.

Price of higher end Elektron product. more than 1000e
(prob same as other Elektron high-end products)
Oled screen, new encoders and backlit buttons of course…


What’s that mate?

my reaction, while you add fuel to the fire…

just a joke, I somehow like what you did there :sweat_smile:


Sure! assume that new machine has a “domotic track” also, with DMX protocol, probably make coffe too (Coffee thread is a hint). :face_with_monocle:

P-lockable doors, conditional expressos and lights LFO, a must!

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A shame that Analog Four and Digitone are listed under “Sound Modules” and not under “Synthesizers” :open_mouth:

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Restrictions are for the dreamless

A rather long (27 minute) video reviewing the 4MS Spherical Wavetable Navigator, from Loopop.

I’m very close to giving this module it’s own thread.

Nice – Dreaming isn’t only for the restricted.


Purchasing this tomorrow :slight_smile:

Dreadbox Nyx V2

Good spotting this Birth_Chord.

Another semi-modular synth, with some great sound. This together with the recent Hypnosis and Erebus V3 means Dreadbox continues to be on a roll.

Dreadbox is at booth W300