Suno (Music AI)

I think this KI / AI made a big quality jump in the audio KI area.

Here‘s one example I like


Here‘s one with vocals.

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Another AI app that makes us all obsolete. :+1:

Why should anyone learn anything anymore?

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we’re all f*cked :upside_down_face:

Why can’t we just learn things just for the joy of learning new things?

If you set up learning within the boundaries of capitalism (in that the goal of learning is monetary gains) then yes, we are indeed fucked! But if we instead opt out of that framework then AI is whatever…


And it’s just the begening… Imagine in 5 years !

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I showed this clip to my wife and her jaw dropped when I told her that everything in this was AI… really incredible!

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What do we learn? We need capitalism to feed ourselves. (not saying capitalism is perfect, just that we haven’t got anything better yet) These type of apps do nothing other than destroy even more jobs.

Also these applications are a godsend for those in massive propaganda campaigns with hardly any limits. One can not just look at these apps for the fun of it. One must also look at the dangers it can bring forward.

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The fact that language-based AI can be abused for propaganda does not directly impact all AI apps.

Just sayin’.

This is great for sample fodder


Drum machines have no soul.


…well, it’s “just” the 4th industrial revolution right ahead of us…

and like the other ones, it will change a lot, will make many things totally obsolete…
but unlike the other ones, this time, those changes won’t evolve into new ways of working…
it will make working as we know it, totally obsolete…
and this will change us…
yup, us, that former monkey, that mammal that made it to the top of all foodchain on such short notice, by “just” gaining conciousness, the only thing that separates us from the other animals on this planet…we’ve started to recocnize ourselves in a mirror…started to communicate…and comunication is code…
what a small but giant leap in development…

and now, that monkey got the chance to make a change…again…will it make the world a better place, or will it enslave itselve…what are the odds?..will we create a wolrd, were we use agi to our advantage and democratize and free us all for real, or will we create a place were a few enslave all the rest…since for now, all we have prooven, allwe have learned so far, if we see an advantage, we take it, if we have an intrest, we aim for it, whatever it takes…
that’s our everlasting strength and our greatest weakness at once…
get the balance right, remains the everlasting challenge…

since history moves in cycles and we got the hang to not learn that much from history and so we’re always doomed to repeat a good chunk of it, agi will destroy us for now and once we’ve learned again, ahh, ohhh, well, we can do that better, we gonna use it to our real human benefits again…but that will take quite some time, this time…

in life, generation after generation, each the next most progressive one, we all become the adult in the room in our 20ies…woman a little earlier in average, man a little later…but close before 30, we’re finally all grown ups…
same goes for our species…right here, right now, at this next crossing, that 4th industrial revolution, were we create agi, unlock the final sectrets of dna, start to intertwine our flesh with tech, optimize our bodies for all sorts of reasons because now, we can…we’re still not the adult in the room, no grown ups yet…and timing is no city in china…

for now, we’re all out in a schoolyard, just teenagers bullying the shit out of each other, still project our oh so individual but all the same inner fears on each other, the cool kids are in that corner, the nerds are over there, meet 'n mingle at the smoker spot, and we all hope, the bullies don’t come over, just leave us alone today, for once…

can’t say how many century steps it will take until we’re finally the adult in the room…
all i know, we’re not there yet…but the day will come…

and in those few inbetween years ahaead of us, i will prompt the shit out of all my last artistic ideas i have left and just leave it to the void…


The only good thing of AI-music is that using a DAW will be retro-cool in the future.


…will it still count as retro-cool, once we start talking to our daws from next year on…?
what’s cooler…?
clicking around a few times to put a hi shelve on track 12…
using a klak klak zak zak short cut to do so…
or just say, put a hi shelve on track 12…please…

We have time. AI is musically just at the end of the 19th Century with this Blues. :rofl:


+10 retro-cool points if using:

  1. Ableton 10 (long time ago discontinued, less harsh and metallic sounds than AbletonGPT 6).

  2. Wired keyboard and mouse.

  3. Succulent action figure.


…yeah, i left ableton behind me, once their warp modes got better…


AI will never be able to get right my unpredictable totally unexpected filter sweeps out of nowhere ctrl+All stunts.

I am safe.




I thought music was meant to be fun. What it sounds like is irrelevant?