Suggestions on how to create some nice combinations with dt2

Hi everyone, I’m asking for suggestions on how to create some nice combinations. I’m waiting to sell my dt1 to buy the dt2, and I’m tempted to also consider the analog heat +fx. I also have a Digitone and a Syntakt and I’m thinking of a combination like this: dt audio inside the analog heat and dn inside syntakt. I’m not very expert in mastering, I always play at home with my PC and I’ve recently been using Ableton 12 with “Roar” placed on every single audio track, so I don’t really need any other distortions, I just like the idea to be able to play manually with filters and effects and with a little… “analog warmth”. In your opinion, is it worth buying the analog heat too? how does your dt2 sound? Any different interesting combinations between the Digis? I would also like an analog four, but that’s another story…

Why don’t you just have fun with 1 box at a time…

Get some milage out of that master overdrive.

Granted, the AHFX looks amazing and I’ve been desiring one since it was released, but the AHFX will mostly offer flavor while the DT2 will have the functionality.

If you’re good on functionality, then maybe consider the AHFX; if you need the D2s functionality, focus on that.

I say this assuming this is just an invitation to share opinions, and im very opinionated.

So just do what you want as long as you think its right. Both boxes will surely be fun- two boxes at the same time might eat away at the victory of acquiring either one


If you are always going into Live with Roar, I don’t think the AH is worth it at all. It would be far better, in my opinion, to get a midi controller to map pots and sliders to Roar and other utilities in Live and do your live tweaks that way.

Since moving to a Live setup myself with Overbridge for my DT and Analog Keys, I do all my effect and processing work after the sound design stages directly in Live with a Novation Launch Control XL for sends, levels and panning, etc.

This is clearly not the case if you also do play away from a computer.


you’re right and in fact I have everything already organized with an Akai APC40 MK2. In Ableton I always build my own effects racks, but Roar has so many functions and it’s difficult to keep the volumes under control when playing live, great plugin anyway!