Suddenly hearing cilcks and pops from Rytm

Hi there,

I finished a song today, and when I was listening through it, I noticed a few clicks/pops. It took me a bit of time to figure out where it was coming from, but I honed in on the bass drum recording. It’s like this semi long rolling bassdrum, and every 5-15 seconds there would be a little pop in the recording. So I tried to re-record it but had the same problem (I get the pops too when just monitoring and not recording). I opened a new project so CPU couldn’tve been an issue. Closed all background applications, increased buffer size dramatically, Reset computer and hardware devices. Even changed the sample in the Rytm and nothing helped!

Really have no idea what to do at this point. Would be very grateful if somebody were able to help me. I have been using the Rytm for a very long time and I’ve never come across this problem before!


Are you using a sample on the Sound? It could be a zero-cross issue. If you are, try turning off the sample on the trig page when running your sequence and see if it’s still there.

Which outputs? Headphone? Main outs? via USB/Overbridge?

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Turned off the sample, that didn’t help. When I had a long bassdrum it still clicked. It also doesn’t click exactly at the start or end of the sample. It’s as if it glitches half way or something and there’s a tiny pop.

I’m using all the individual outputs. So this one is BD/BT. I have the 4 stereo outputs routed into 8 mono inputs on a rackmount preamp which is connected via coaxial to my Scarlett 18i8 interface which is via USB to the computer.

And just so i understand: do you hear it through the headphones output?

Just checked. No clicks when I listen straight from the Rytm headphone out

Clipping? That kick hits hard. Plus you have to figure in the ARs compressor when through the headphones…

Definitely not clipping, and not using the rytm comoressor either

Have you replaced your cables ?
It’s always my Check #1

…i’ve heard rumors about a problem with the individual Outs on the Rytm … Elektron or maybe @simon can tell us something. :slight_smile:

Dunno then. Sorry. Like Dali maybe a connection issue…
I meant the compressor (on headphones) might take care of the clipping which through the indi outs would not be there (but tbh im not sure thats how the compressor would work.)
Ooooo do tell about those rumours…

…yeah i would but don’t wanna get shitstormed or something.

i#ve read that a while ago on this forum.


first post here and i wanted to post in a thread that already asked about this issue.

  1. did you figure out what was causing the pops?

The pops come through the master outs when nothing is playing, They aren’t loud, but they are definitely audible.

when nothing is playing? and you’re hearing them straight from the analog outs of the AR, with no DAW etc involved?

if so, can you record a sample of it for us to hear?

I have had this happen to me as well when recording a bassline from my TB-3 into Ableton using a Scarlett 18i8 as well… Never did quite figure it out… it was always random and never seemed to make any sense. Did not hear it if I monitored directly through the device… What was mind boggling to me is that after I recorded it into Ableton, the clicks would be random during playback as well… almost as if it was clipping but I know the audio was not… Drove me NUTS - to the point where I never finished that particular track because of it.

Really hoping to find out if you get this resolved as It sounds like the same issue I was having (albeit different hardware)

did you hear the same clicks and pops when monitoring through the internal sound output of the DAW computer? Perhaps it is something soundcard related?

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no daw…
I’ll record it now… its goes through bursts it’s not like constant.

i tried upping the latency and it still did it…

i figured it out… the bass drum machine had some artifacts from the amp decay that like never die?

anyway, that amp decay is forever.

thanks for your help.

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Yeah, never leave inf decay on anything, unless you’re going for it especially, it can really mess up things :diddly:


I never emded up fixing my problem actually. It cant be rytm related because when i listen directly from the hp out theres no clicks. I got my interface repaired (it was giving me a few minor unrelated problems) and turns out the was 1 dead and 1 live cockroach inside it (yes you heard it right). They did full testing on it and said its working perfectly but im still getting the pops. I also spoke to focusrite supoort and my next step is to temporarily replace the rackmount pre… Im going to just send that in to get fixed. Im almost certain its that. Ive been overseas and really busy so havent got the problem fixed yet :’(. Maybe ikl just connect directly to my interface. Ill post back when ive got more info

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whoah, talk about real bugs!

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