Struggling with Syntakt

…aaaahhh, that was in the back of my head right away, when i read ur initial post…
ur more a roland kind of guy… :wink:

but be warned…it offers easier access to whatsoever pleasing results…
but no gear in the whole wide world can save u from the stuck in the loop trap, if ur mindset shows no further musical exit strategy and basic concept of progression…

save urself a lot of time, frustration and money and put urselt to the bitwig test…if u can’t find any musical satisfaction beyond a loop there, u can be sure it’s not ur sonic tools, but too much pressure and expectations meets not enough patience and passion for all this…

good luck…

I love Bitwig but I find I mess around experimenting rather than making tracks.

It’s fun though so it’s all good.

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…aslong u find fun, it’s all good…