STROM for iPad

He he…


It’s what you’re all gonna have when you realise this is not app but instead a remarkably clever way to draw you all in then sell you a kitchen! :slight_smile:

if it’s for the octatrack why it’s on the AR Threads… :imp: [/quote]
because i’m a bit stupid! :joy:

hahahhahahah… omg…

The creation date of void’s github repository below, with the initiation of this thread, can’t be coincidental can it?

Some more links to mull over:

The Malström synthesizer in Reason employs Graintable synthesis…


i’m unaware of how people on this site relate to elektron.

@void, are you talking official elektron business? … you probably won’t answer so … the rest of y’all who understand the nuance here, help me out.

:astonished: that’s scary :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It absolutely looks like an iOS app on iPad. Also, void is definitely an iOS developer as he has mentioned XCode multiple times on his Twitter.

I doubt this is anything officially related to Elektron.

Although, it does look like he had access to a prototype A4…

Who knows…


LOL. Perhaps a customised AF.

In case you didn’t know, on this forum, the avatars of Elektron employees (like Dataline, Jon, Olle, /mr etc) have a little red swish to distinguish them from us mortals.

Last minute guess : SPROM > Sample to Rom? Sampling abilities for the Rym? :stuck_out_tongue:

:imp: :imp: :imp:

This is cool. But with such a strong emphasis on sample support, are we to assume the RYTM is not going to be a capable ANALOG drum machine? This is disappointing considering we can sample with just about every other piece of gear ever ( as of late). No new machines this summer? smh. Are we suppose to continue waiting for the arrival of the Elektron Analog Rytm?

can’t wait!

Are you uploading the oldschool way?

56k is the way to go! :wink:

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