Stop tracks from playing

Sorry if this has been asked before, but… I’ve gotten myself into an OT tangle.

I know that a track will continue to play a sample if you switch to a new pattern that doesn’t have trigs on that particular track (if it’s looped… otherwise it will play until the amp envelope stops… right?). I know I can also stop playing a track manually with .

But what if I want some patterns to stop the track playback? Do I just make a trig with zero amp volume? As in, sometimes I want the samples to keep playing, and sometimes not.

You can place that zero-vol trig or …

use the StartSilent Track


Keep in mind that there is a confirmed known bug for THRU track being silented by this function…actually when silented it emits a spikey harsh high freq noise…!

They should fix this !

Are you saying it’s still there?
I thought they fixed it…
I haven’t used OT since few months and especially in that particular scenario…

Triggers on thru track vanish into thin air sometimes. Very anoying.