Stimming’s Instant Mastering Chain

I am pretty much happy using Digitakt’s Compressor as a Limiter, feeding its outputs to a FMR RNC :slight_smile:
But then again I have no clue what I am doing.
Just listening with my ears :slight_smile:

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I just placed an order on one of these units. I’ll share how it feels/sounds once it arrives.


Thanks, welcome.
Any possible side by side comparison with other gear?

I don’t have other gear to do a side by side with.

Say what you will. I STILL WANT IT!

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Stimming will demonstrate his Instant Mastering Chain is a bit…

and the price 2800€

Read this whole thread with interest. I don’t use anything on master bus for studio currently.
If I’m playing outside home then all synths/samples go through OT master track filter & comp, and all drums (Rytm) have their own comp, so that’s something I guess.
If I had cash I think I would get Silver Bullet mk2, just looks too good to pass up with the swappable analogue modules (there’s a compressor for instance) and the universally glowing reviews.
Like many have said, otherwise I’d probably take a Heat & RNC/RNLA.

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what is it that appeals to people about this device, the size or what it does?

Is he sitting in a converted outhouse? :rofl:

I think his reviews are funny.
For this price……
I don‘t think the same.

Instant mastering, with no metering.


Just use the metering on the Octatr… oh.

Watched the video, sounds ok I guess, definitely not something I can afford or even need, but… is the threshold control backwards? :no_mouth:


It probably sounds ok, but I think there are better options out there for most budgets.


I‘m waiting for the Behringer clone


Let’s say we are all pro’s playing in clubs every week.

Because this is who it’s marketed at: live electronic music professionals who play in clubs … in 2027… or so

Very very bad timing Martin … .


yeah, very bad timing, indeed. but we were running out of money and patience…

so, should I read all of this and give my comments, or should I leave it as it is?
Are you guys interested in my point of view?

I believe my nerves are strong enough now…


hey castor, with all respect but this simply isn’t true. From my experience PA’s are comparable to huge screens. Its really like the experience when a film set or makeup suddenly looks cheap once seen on a big screen. the bigger the screen the more important the overall details are.

speaker membranes of big PAs don’t like to go “all the way” back and forth - a compressed and thick signal helps translating pressure a lot better than an uncompressed one, even when the perceived loudness is measurably the same (which, in our case would be a louder system to compensate the peaking transients)


Hello Stimming, thank you for engaging with this forum! What I find most puzzling are the following points:

(1) Your website/manual provides only scant technical information and only very few specs (edit: I just saw that the latest version of the manual provides more), and in my view also talks about the box very much as work in continuous development (eg. the intro of the manual referring to its “current state of development” and its “version” ref. 5.1.7), raising the question when the next iteration might come out.

(2) Inputs and outputs seem unbalanced, even though one of the reviews (Bonedo) states the contrary. Why this choice? (Edit: some tech explanation in the manual, but still not 100% clear)

(3) No metering on the device, whereas an earlier versions had a large display (as in your 2020? video). It seems somewhat contradictory to me that you emphasize the use case of a computerless setup, but in your videos systematically employ software-based meters for setting up and demonstrating the effect of your box.

(4) I was primarily interested in the compressor aspect, but you appear to mainly emphasize loudness gains in the final transformation stage, which raises for me the question how good the eq and the compressor are in comparison to other options (eg the small Elysia boxes).

All the best!


I just want to know if it’s a success (whatever that means to you).