STEPPER: An Elektron inspired 16-step sequencer for the GBA

I have a Analog Pocket with the FPGA cores installed. I also have a GBA flash card to test it on :slight_smile:

Another little demo of STEPPER with it’s purple cousin, the MOOD mkII:

I’m having a lot of fun with this little box! Using it for some added texture instead of an ambient wash (which can also do really well!).

Hope y’all like it!

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A tease of what’s to come with 1.8: MIDI sync using the Analogue MIDI cable adapters. STEPPER will now feature a 96bpq internal clock and can be synced with any CV signal at different bpq values.

Coming soon!


STEPPER 1.8 is finally out and I’m having a blast with this new setup. Now you can use Analogue’s link cables to sync your devices together.

This update also has a lot of quality of life features (holding buttons now will retrigger at different intervals, trigs can be nudged by holding B + DPAD, etc) and adds a quirky lofi AD envelope for the wave channel.

Take it easy and have fun with it! Here is a little jam dual wielding Analogue Pockets + a Digitakt:


Who ever needs a M8 :slight_smile:
Great work!

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