Spooky cicada siren sound in Indonesia

Universities, research agencies like the CSIRO and (Australian) state government departments are always looking for solutions but anything they find is gonna take a while to filter through. Biggest change in recent practices that I know of involve reducing the overuse of fertilisers/pesticides and protecting the waterways from contamination.

Edit: Permaculture/organic/etc farming practices are also starting to get a bigger foothold in the industry but I don’t see the big producers adopting them anytime soon.

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I know the cost of resourses to rebuild biodivesity would be huge and human e,pansion and urban expansion is going too fast i know, I only hope what remains can be saved and at least stabalized for the future,

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This us the way we are, everywhere is the same. Even if you stopped uding pesticides it would take many years for natural predators to come back. People want to enjoy their seaside villas without having to worry about mosquitos…and it is not just that…plastic, that has gone out of hands. In my last diving trip to Asia I could see how bad the situation is…remote islands in indonesia covered in plastic in places like Raja Ampat or Bunaken…

I have some sound clips from Bali as the day was beginning, though even then peppered with scooters. I can place them on Google drive!

There are not moves away from pesticides even in “organic” farming. Pests will exist as long as crops do.

“Premieres in 37 minutes”…

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Hi good day please! Share those early sounds from Bali

This thread is so interesting Thanks

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We have to get kids into keeping Bees as pets.


Adults too! Allowing the use of pesticides that kill bees is nothing short of suicide / genocide. It’s so obvious, you could easily come to the conclusion it’s intentional. :scream:


Dunno how widespread it is in industry, but there are bee friendly pesticides on the market.

My housemate has really been making an effort into growing plants that attract bees and it really is quite lovely to see them getting about doing their business!


This thread reminded me of a recording of crickets slowed down, which then sounds like a choir singing. Really quite beautiful. Cool forward from Tom Waits as well.


Thanks for posting!
Eerie indeed, esp. the descending vibrato.

It reminds me of these horns (a classic 90s rave sample, by the way), almost as if it were the same sound pitched up:

Awesome! Too bad it s so short.

I know what you mean about the plastic in Indonesia, well everywhere as you rightly pointed out, I didn’t get to as remote areas as you did except Togean Islands but the plastic was everywhere as you said every beach was covered in it. We went for a snorkel at Bunaken and there was just as much plastic in the sea as there were fish, we pulled as much as we could out, futile efforts yes but I couldn’t swim past plastic without removing it. Besides the plastic plague and pesticides, miles and miles of wretched palm oil plantations have destroyed Malaysia and Borneo’s rain forests. Same in Cambodia I could see forests being burned at stripped back.

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Yeagh, that is the only bummer plus can hear us walking. If I get back There and I hope I do, I’m going to make sure I get a much better recording and for a lot longer. When I got back to Aus i was researching the net trying to find this Cicada sound and found a recording made by Wild Ambience on soundcloud. The cicadas sound a lot more distant than in my recording, nowhere near as loud but it is still a good recording and goes for 10 minutes approx plus there are plenty of other forest animals you can hear as well.

Cheers, yeagh I get what you mean with the horn at the start, never heard of c cat trance before,
they reminds me of Transglobal Underground.

wow, that is intense!

OMG! That’s amazing!!!

Organic synth drones for sure.
Might be fun to try and re-create it :slight_smile:

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This prompted me to watch Phase IV last night with the missus. A 1974 vision about the dawn of insect domination and pesticide resistance!!!

Soundtrack is pretty good too

I think you’ve identified the hand sized red eyed freak of a thing trying to get into my bathroom through a net window in Ecuador, first night there, never seen anything like it.