Hey Elektron, great job at the NAMM show…any hope of some AR demos on Soundcloud? Understood, it’s not finished, many features and even machines are not in place. but it would be nice to hear some short examples without the background noise and distractions of a trade show or the commentary of some magazine presenter.
Yeah. Hope there on the way. I recon by Friday?! Reasonably Simple music tho please. Let us taste the bread and butter.
I’m aching for this.
Beat me, Elektron!
Mind you Cenk did a great job, even in the later videos where he was obviously getting a bit worn out with the demos.
I guess we’ll get SC demos when the page goes live on electron.se
Yeah, more cowbell please
Seriously though…my Soundcloud demo list right now: 909ish kicks and snares, quantized retrig changes, and pad velocity to start or filter cutoff.
Actually, I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing a preorder button soon (of course I have nothing to base this on).
I’d like to hear a nice variety of analog claps n snares n hats n kicks n toms n everything els starting from scratch/default sound and then everything els again.
Ahem…it’s almost the end of Q1, please please please post some demos…
Cenk’s recent SonicState video with NIck on Rytm and Overbridge is the first Rytm demo that I sat up and took notice off. Didn’t get to hear much but what he did demonstrate sounded great to me.
I’m not sure why there reluctant for plain audio demos… There must be a reason tho and I’m no marketing expert… Maybe we don’t need to to hear them.
Better idea still: send me an AR and let me record the demo : )
The lack of a good, plain, demo showing the range of sounds through different styles is downright annoying. The AR is supposed to come out in two weeks, they’ve been rocking it at NAMM and Musikmesse… where are all the damn demos?? I preordered based on faith… but I’m really disappointed with the lack of SoundCloud demos.
Elektron really should make it a priority to create GOOD SoundCloud demos for the RYTM.
If good audio demos are so important to you, why pre-order before you have heard them?
Like I said, I have faith in Elektron… and I do like the little of what I’ve been able to hear, as well as the overall concept.
It’s just I’d like a better idea of what I’m getting into; good audio demos are usually standard. Elektron has done a good job with them for every other machine they’ve produced; oddly, the AR demos are lacking.
Seems like there’s a funny stigma lately about asking “how long”… Like we’re supposed to just play cool and pretend we have much better things to do and arnt checking back every day for these. What’s more essential than quality audio.
I’m just genuinely excited to play the files over and over!! nothing more.
… and then, there’s all these Instagram pics with people posing with the AR at Musikmesse, proclaiming how cool it is…
… and not a single new demo.
It’s almost kind of cruel to us who are anticipating the AR; like waiving a piece of meat in the face of a starving dog, and not letting them taste it.
Rocking back and forth whilst pouting all nonchalant with it n that. Head nearly coming off whilst we smile, nodding patiently at the screen desperate to join in, but thinking “go on ladd have a great time.”
At least its Friday folkes.
Well, I haven’t pre-ordered, but since I’m not made of money I’d like to hear demos so I can have as much time as possible to make a good decision.