Just want to know what soundcard do u use for recordings.
My plan is to buy RME FireFace 400 but it’s to expensive, so anyone use some other also good quality soundcard to split record elektron gear?
MOTU Ultralite or 828.
Babyface with Behringer ADA8000. If youre just using line-ins, the ADA8000 is a bargain.
I use to have an AudioFire 12, but sold it fairly recently to get a DA3000. Though, I did just pick up an AudioFire 8 ($200) to start working in the box again. It has 8in/8out.
+1 on the MOTU Ultralite. Awesome audio interface for the price
I use the Mackie Blackbird FW interface with ease after finding the MOTU gear to be overly complex.
Roland Octacapture. I have been very impressed with it. Very low latency too.
My Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 has worked flawlessly with my Mac. Driver updates released regularly.
I use a 16 channel Behringer mixer with USB out. It shows up as a single stereo input on the computer. This works for me since I like to record live and do multiple takes until it is right. If you need all inputs separate then this won’t work for you obviously.
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20.
I was deciding between an Apogee Symphony , Zen Studio, or Metric Halo
and borrowed a friend’s 18i8.
I was surprised ! a really clean and quiet interface and its built like a tank and you can’t beat the price .
Liked it so much we carry focusrite scarlett interfaces on our site . I personally bought an 18i20 connected to Adam A7X’s and Artist 5’s
We pretty much carry niche “Pro” gear so that says alot
Will still get either an Apogee or Antelope Zen Studio, going to use the focusrite for synths/sampler outputs into main interface via ADAT .
I bought a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 this past Monday, and so far, could not be more pleased. Works great with iOS as well, and can run stand alone, though a computer is required to use the configuration software. This config can then be saved to hardware and the machine will retain your routings.
As mentioned previously, it sounds great and is sturdily built.
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 here as well, with another 8 ins via ADAT from a Presonus Digimax FS. I’ve been through a number of interfaces, and I’m really pleased with the Saffire.
Dear Brunofzd,
i have a FF-400. This is a beautiful piece of gear.
I highly can recommend this.
- Marian Adcon AD/DA 8ch round about 180€ you are in Heaven
Here in Germany second hand goes for 440€.
All the best,
Thnx to all you guys,
But i decided to spent a little extra money and FF400 will be my pick… Just 440€ ? And you use all 8 inputs + ADAT? I have just MD so for start 8 analog I/O would be just fine for me
I’m from Croatia (EU) - So can you gave me a link where i can buy the second hand one or just try to find - i check on ebay.de but price is around 600€…
Behringer FCA1616 with a Behringer 8200 gives me 16in & out for under €500.
Apogee Quartet + ADA8000 = 4 analog inputs + 8 digital inputs
Coupled to an iPad, that’s the total happiness and this portable setup has replaced my A&H ZR-16. No regret at all
Although it’s probably considerably more i/o than you’re after, imo the Saffire 56 is worth the extra cash just for the Liquid pre-amps.
The converters aren’t quite as good as the RME I don’t think, but you’d never tell the difference in a real world situation.
Oh and the Focusrite software setup thing is the work of the devil but it’s a case of set and forget - and also I think a large part of my issue with it is having spent years and years on Pro Tools when you could only use Digidesign interfaces, so I find the whole idea of having to configure all my i/o twice over in two separate places conceptually difficult…!