Sound Quality OT ;)

Honestly the compressor does my head in. First of all the release is too slow and for some reason I find it hard to find the sweet spot on the attack when I want the right amount of snap.

I’m more than happy using many basic stock DAW compressors over the years, but I just can’t gel with this. Thankfully it’s easy enough to import/record external sounds into it (handy that, being a sampler and all!) but it would be nice to have a compressor that is worthy of my mixbus on a device which is targetted for live performance. Folks are like… “just nab a couple of pennies out of your piggy bank and get a heat!”. That would be overkill for me even, just more often than not I use track 8 as a master channel and would be sweet if we could have a compressor to put on it that adds some musical groove is all I’m saying. Also as an aside, more compressors should have HPF!

Other than that I have no quarrels at all and I love the thing. Very fond of the EQ for both surgical and creative purposes. Modulation although a bit querky compared to the conventional gives some unique results, couple of decent reverbs, I love lofi and won’t hesitate to put that distortion on the master channel to crunch stuff up… just have a highly valid beef with the compressor which I don’t usually mention but as the OP mentioned buying an OT specifically for production, I don’t think it’s the one. Nothing to do with analog or digital or any criticisms people have brought up over converters which isn’t my experience.

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Don’t do it!

EDIT: do it and send it to me.

That’s exactly what I told the Police.



What is it with people, having to tell everybody, that they are muting a thread? Just do it - we really don’t care.


You’re talking to an empty room… Just you and me left. :grin:

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Yeah, you’re probably right :joy:

Does an OT still sound bad if there’s no one around to discuss it?


not if you use 24bit! :hear_no_evil:


Anyone here who have both the OT and the Isla S2400?

If so, which one sounds better to your taste?

I’m willing to bet that the S2400 sounds “better” (at least with less effort) simply because it’s so much newer.

And “older”.

“Sounds better” depends on so much and requires context.
For example, TR-6S is 10 years newer, has way more FX, the FX sound truly fantastic, and yet the output needs more polishing than OT’s, in my experience.

Maybe it’s the summing arithmetic? Maybe it’s the headroom? But one thing is for sure, it’s most certainly subjective.


Right now better seems to mean transparent yet punchy, like the Digitakt.

P-lock the OT comp if you want more punch. And some filter resonance up for high end air (width still fully open).


= transparent, I guess.


IME when people talk about something being “transparent” it does, in fact, usually mean there’s a little bit of a high end boost. Especially true in the guitar pedal world but it shows up everywhere.



“Sheen without harshness” as I listen on $9 earbuds.

I don’t know, I feel like anything that colours the sound or boosts certain bands is not really transparent. I think people like the word transparent until they’re faced with something that is truly transparent (or pretty close to it) then they realise they don’t really want transparent, because all their snares sound like shit on transparent gear.
Or they decide that transparent means something else and that transparent gear is shit.

But we’ve been here before so…


Yeah man, I’m totally in the OT team. It’s truly transparent, meaning dull for people expecting that high end air.

I agree with you, I should have added a winking emoji or something. Transparent doesn’t mean transparent, it means mixed to sound punchy and Hi-Fi from the get go.