SOLVED! Convince me to keep my modular

Sell it
Make bleep bloop with vcv rack


sell it


I know I’m exaggerating.

I’ve seen very thorough discussions on it. The community seems very engaged and helpful.


I dabble :slight_smile:


Wonderful dabbling I might add. Yeah coco is my go to for texture and bloops. Thanks folks, I think I heard what I needed to hear. I’ve had eurorack for about 8yrs and have plenty of jams, I think these modules are just the remains of larger old systems where I had more interesting samplers and processing going on. I think the syntakt and opz witch a bunch of synth samples is scratching that bleepy itch and these days I’m more in the finish my ideas off on the computer camp, rather than endless wiggling. So yeah, I’ll stick it all up for sale and I can live off take away ls and pay by utility bills easier for the year instead!


Sell it

it doesn’t inspire, it doesn’t get used…expensive decoration


Look in the mirror. Ask that person on the other side, “you going to buy any semi modular synths that need additional modulation/sequencing/filter options?”.
If the answer they give you is “ah I don’t knoooowww”, sell that shit.

Wait, why do you have the clk in of the Pam’s going to the clk in of the Varigate? Are you trying to destroy the world?


Is it worth it to you to take the time and money of trying to figure out a new system that will make sense with your workflow? And then the risk of it maybe not working?

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Sell it


Can’t imagine it would provide much inspiration given that you’ve got no voices :rofl: (Edit: just noticed your 1U VCO’s, my bad. I think you need something more interesting to experiment with)

Add in a sound source that does something different from your other gear, and an effect or two that can be heavily modulated or sequenced. For effects I’d be looking at a Nautilus or a Monsoon (Beads if you can find one for a decent price). Rangoon + Monsoon would be a nice addition to the case that could take you to some interesting places. Something like a Spherical Wavetable Navigator could open a lot of doors for you and I don’t just say that because I have one for sale :eyes:

Look to fill gaps that exist from your existing setup and that benefit from tangible control and heavy modulation :ok_hand:


He’s got two 1u Oscillators and the Multimode. I know, I thought the same but then saw them upon a closer look.

Dude just needs a Clouds, then he can prolong the inevitable for a few more months.


Yea I just spotted - you got there before my ninja edit :grin: I think they’re unlikely to provide much inspiration on their own - I feel like grabbing a sound source that really shines in euro format could re-spark that joy and I feel like that’s what you’re really looking for with the title of the thread :ok_hand:


Needs reverb with Shimmer.


Starlab is pretty wonderful! I’d also consider a Mimeophon, they’re a lot of fun and not easily replicated.

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it’s a super basic system, so you can likely do everything it covers elsewhere; maybe easier too. so your choices are either invest further and grow it, or sell it. question is just whether/not you like working with modular. which it doesn’t seem like you do.

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And look at that, there’s a Starlab for sale on another “modular focused” site. Offff, we’re bad influences.


Right, yeah I just have those mosaic 1Us now, used to have beads BIA stuff like that, my last iteration was a bit more of a rhythmic setup, I had another rack same size with a Zoia euroburo in too and some smaller racks with a nebulae and some other bits and bobs in. Maybe another voice might kindle things, but nah, I think it’s gotta go, I’ve got a lovely analog poly synth too, so this is really going to have to be rebuilt for processing/granular again I think if it’s live on.

Btw good spot whoever noticed connections between varigate and Pams! Not sure what happened there, though I think last time the modular was used in the studio my intern was tinkering about with it!

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Diplomatic solution: sell the modules and keep the Palette if remorse hits badly.


sell everything but the coco and get a dousk

sample it

then sell it.

Jokes apart, add another filter, maybe a digital osc a small mixer and you got a super flexible and powerful mono synth.