Solar 42 Ambient Machine

If you feel confortable and not limited with your modular system so keep this way :wink:

I was looking for a real instrument with a primitive approach and great sounds capabilities. First thought about a Lyra 8 but saw this Solar 42 and then I knew.
I can’t get this with none of my gear and I have to sell my beloved Perfourmer to afford this one. But there will be always Perfourmers on the market, not sure about Solar 42 :wink:

Good consideration. I have a digitone keys in storage which I did not use much at all, so maybe I will be putting that one up for sale.

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Manual is online :content:

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The first preorder batch is in the process of being assembled :star_struck:


So what’s the verdict on the coolest color?

I was about to get a Strega + Elmyra 2 + MS20 Mini for the same price now I’m on the fence. Anyone help me :joy:

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Elmyra and Strega are nice together, particularly with Elmyra into Strega’s input. Some of the control voltage stuff on the MS-20 is going to be different from how Eurorack works if you are interested in cross patching.

I tried the Solar 50 briefly a while back and had a hard time getting it to sound good to me but I’m still fascinated by it. It’s a lot of sawtooth with limited tuning bands and I really wanted some external effects on it to smooth it out a little. But I probably could have gotten it going with more time and effort. So it’s going to depend a lot on what kind of sounds you like and your patience level.

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You mean the Hz/V instead of V/oct? What would be a better fit instead of MS20?

I think there are some other differences (gates?), but I’m not an MS-20 expert. If you love the sound and the filter though you can make it work. In the same price range you’d be looking at 0-Coast, Minibrute, Malevolent, Neutron, and probably others. Just depends on what sounds the best to you or offers utility functions you think you will use and the overall goal of your setup.

Well I have a Flat Eric so I guess I need a MS-20 What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2) - #7445 by Bourn

Anyway contacted Elta regarding Solar 42 availability

It is already available. If you preorder it until the end of november, it will be shipped in december.
Availability in stores should be in january (except some stores like Perfect Circuit which preordered some).
Mine should come in one or two weeks :content:

I only scanned it and didn’t read much of it, but I love a well-designed manual and this one is quite nice to look at.

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Just like the Solar itself :slight_smile:

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I also preordered quite early. I have seen some ig stories of Elta they shared a batch ready to ship. I wonder did anyone receive it



I’m waiting for mine too. It’s from the first preorders batch. I am actually struggling to not to harass Arseniy to know where the production and the shipment are. This first batch should have been sent in early December as announced in the early November newsletter.

It’s weird not to see any demo or unboxing videos on the web yet.


Just wrote to Arseniy :sweat_smile:


Don’t blame you. This thing looks awesome!

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If you think a few weeks is bad then the Buchla Music Easel pre order and announcement from 2 years ago makes it seem like nothing.

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That’s exactly why I feel a little guilty about being so impatient, because there are also much more serious matters and people in need than me…

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“Bad” news. Because of unexpected problems at the factory, the first batch shipment is delayed around the beginning of january :confused:
