Social Networking, it's horrible, I'm out

I kind of feel like the explanation side of things is a mixed bag, you kind of start to dilute yourself as an artist and drift into explainer tutorial type spaces. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but places like youtube are massively tilted towards tutorial and things that let you show and sell your personality rather than being focused in on music. If you just want to post music youtube is pretty crap as you basically never will show up as a recommended video. I personally think YouTube is much worse algorithmically, just funnels people towards the same popular things and is terrible for discovering new stuff.

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That’s right. I’m on Instagram too (@noirtdc of you want to check out), and never di follow unfollow, buy followers and shit like that. The secret ti Keep growing is simply one: working on it with quality content, right hashtag and so on.
Video side, Instagram tv is “video friendly” but…not at all.
I found Instagram a very nice way to connect with people and create my fanbase. For me is a tool.


In part I disagree. YouTube is incredibly vast so you need to put in a bit of effort to find new stuff. YouTube is actually probably the biggest music library on the net. Now combined with youtube music this is pretty neat.

I try to combine both sharing knowledge and music and it actually works pretty well. And of course I just really enjoy doing that. Just have to find a way that works for you. I use a couple.of specific social platforms and use them what they are best at. Then the trick is to try and get some viewers from youtube to visit your SoundCloud where more music is for instance.

The part I agree on is that it is definitely harder to grow an audience if you would focus fully on YouTube and just upload music videos. But it depends. There are a lot of channels that are growing quickly with basically purely posting jam videos. And occasionally a tutorial. Some of those channels post 3 jams a week and because of that frequency they grow pretty quick. I tend to not upload as many videos but put in more time into single videos. Which unfortunately means I don’t grow as fast as I would by posting 3 times a week.

So in part I agree but I can give you multiple examples of pure music channels that grew or grow incredibly fast.


I‘ve been on insta before it was cool. But like all social media it‘s not healthy (at least for me). So I quit. It‘s such a burden.

Although I really like to see background stories of artists … explaining their setup / maybe learn even a trick or two. I think it helps bonding with your fanbase. But it‘s hard work… if you‘re not the person for this kind of stuff then even more.

For a moment there I thought Fin25 was going to monetize this:


Can’t monetise true beauty mate.

And I am truly beautiful


Social media, facebook, instagram et al are like farts. The more you waft them about, the more they stink.


I was on Instagram for less than 24 hours and I can confirm it smells of farts. The sort of farts you get after a big roast dinner that, if you didn’t know it was a fart, you would think someone was cooking some nice sausages, but then you find out it’s a fart and it makes you want to vomit through your nose so the smell of vomit drowns it out.

That’s what Instagram smells like to me.


And lo, the thread tone hath been revived.


Instagram is largely a platform for advertising. There are the paid advertisements of course but most of the other content is slightly more subtle advertising. That may sound cynical but I think it’s a healthy way to understand what it is and how it may work for you.

There is so much music in the world that you simply aren’t going to get noticed without finding a way to advertise and direct people towards your music. Instagram is one avenue for this.


Yeah, totally get that.

That’s why I don’t like it. Can’t stand all the marketing/promotional bullshit.

It’s made me realise I’m happy in my little cul de sac.


Sounds very British.

I do recall Insta just being a bunch of photos back in the day. Friends photos, a kind’ve photography social media. But now it’s a mess. The search button is mainline dopamine. It’s intense. You could literally look at Instagram all day long, it’s sickening how vicelike they’ve made its eyeball grip.

I barely even see my friends stuff anymore - I think everyone is posting way less due to corona at the moment, I’m just getting fed random stuff these days rather than a feed I follow. I kinda wanna delete it and it sounds lame but even my mum is on there and she posts her stuff there, I kinda don’t wanna miss out. I guess I could tune in every month or so. Nothing wrong with a break.

A part of me wants to contribute to the whole gearpron snippets scene, but there’s so much of it. The whole ‘hey here is my best life’ part of it can get a bit much. In the end I do like it, but it is becoming a bit too sickening and overloady for me lately.

I guess I’m getting old but I wouldn’t mind a more chill social media somewhere

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Says it all


That’s a good one.

Sometime last year I finally decided to delete my Facebook account and move on to other ways of still communicating with family while also trying to catalog my music stuff. My brother and some close friends from back in the states were on Instagram so I downloaded the app and signed up.

Only later did I notice those words on start up…
From Facebook…
Crap. They still got me.

On the positive side though, the whole hashtags system helps me to interact with people that use the same or similar equipment to what I like, and it’s been a decent networking tool. It’s cool seeing what people from other countries and walks of life are up to on the musical side of things anyway. My feed is pretty tailored toward gear and music. Some good conversations to be had on there. Being able to chat with someone learning the same stuff is awesome. That’s why I signed up here too.

I could care less about the whole following/followers score stuff. I just upload to IGTV and YouTube as a kind of way to look back on my progress. If I see or hear something I like, I’ll follow it in case they share more cool stuff.


I was making fun of people who use Facebook to complain about Facebook today. I don’t think it’s even possible for me to get upset with a free software application I have the choice of using or not. They’re just there to be utilized for my benefit if I choose, and they cost zero money to use.


Zuckerturd, that’s a nice one. But I agree. I liked how he sounded like a strangled chicken when he dabbled his bullshit in front of the European parliament. One of the most annoying punch faces I’ve ever seen.

Now talking about Instagram, I just don’t like that it’s full of stupid people, influencers, ads and narcissists. You can try to avoid it but the algorithm is such shit. It occasionally puts some third tier webwhore straight to your face. You check that profile and it’s full of self portraits. How crazy is that? It’s not normal. Sounds like a mental disorder to be frank.

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Ditch it all. It’s liberating. (Not that I actually used that shit). I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a committed user of that crap.

I wish I had the stones to ditch the fucking cell phone. I hate this thing. :frowning:


If you don’t pay for the product, you are the product.

I loved this description I saw yesterday:

Instagram, in case you don’t know it, is an app you can open up on your phone any time to look at ads