So, what do you do?

Be interesting to see what fields people are working in for their day jobs!

How many here work in the music industry in some capacity?

Who’s studying & what subjects?

Who’s daytime activities are completely unrelated to music?

You never know, that personal trainer you’ve been looking for might be here & in return you might be able master their album!!

To get the ball rolling, I work as a FOH & Monitor engineer & have done for a number years.
Done some huge acts & some tiddlers!
Based in the UK, work Worldwide.
When it’s good, it’s bloody great, when its bad, it’s a nightmare :slight_smile:


I’ve seen similar threads on other forums, and it looks like 80% is working in the IT. Me included. Building webshops, guiding scrum-based teams, that kind of stuff. Would love to trade it for a music related job some day :slight_smile:


Special ed teacher. Also do the occasional illustration/web-design job. :slight_smile:


I’m about to start my first year of teaching, 5th grade social studies. Finished my master’s in elementary education this past winter and also had my first baby this last March. Before I got into my teaching program I worked for apple doing techsupport for a few years, and while I love computers, i hate sitting in front of one all day long for “work.”

Also, i’m in austin, tx if anyone’s up for a jam B-)

Ou, and not to hijack the thread… Those with kids + fulltime job, how do you find time for your hobbies? I feel like I need to put video games off to the side for a bit… So many hobbies, so little time.

@daisuk woot for education! Tips for first year teacher?


sw developer

@zfigz - time? yeah, that is why it is taking me so long to learn the octa, and why I don’t have a profile picture yet :slight_smile:

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Full-time mastering and mixdown engineer here, some time I sell my own music and play live for cash too. :slight_smile:


I’m a freelance advertising conceptionist/writer (hope that’s the right translation).

Basically, communication agencies book me to come up with ideas and concepts for campaigns and commercials. Almost 10 years in the industry, freelancing for about 4 years.




Pdr Technician for a company called Dent Wizard. Basically I do paintless dent repair on Highline luxury cars. I work at the 2nd biggest bmw dealership in the states. Been doing it for 7yrs and love it. Great money that lets me afford this crazy love of music. Been playing music for about 20yrs and about 5yrs were professionally as a guitarist in a metal band. After that experience I’ve never been interested in making money from music again.

I have fixed dents for gear.


User experience developer (and before that web app developer) at a startup called Songkick. We do concert alerts for bands people like and recently crowdsourced touring too.


Motion graphic designer (computer animation) for TV broadcast.
Animation, sound design and scoring are always very connected: I like to blur those interactions in my mind in order to influence design and sounds with each other. I now wonder in new territories because I’m fed up with computers and producers (tv ones!!).


Hehe, hmmm, I primarily work with disabled kids, so it’s a bit different from “regular” fifth graders. I’d say trust yourself and your own style. You’ll figure it out as you go. If you have a strong voice, that will help (haha)! :slight_smile: Take the kids seriously, encourage them, try to be a positive person in their lives, and be aware of the fact that you’re a role model to them. And don’t be scared of trying out new things, if there is one thing kids are tired of, it’s the same old dull teaching methods.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


I’m based in Bristol UK & I do I.T. as a day job but play out quite often. I’ve had releases on Kid 606 and Si Begg’s labels / played quite a few festivals / had plays on decent radio shows etc but not enough to warrant quitting the day job yet.


This is true, my world will be quite a bit different. It’s awesome to know other elektron nerds are in education, too. The biggest thing I fear is the amount of work I’ll bring home, but the more I talk to people the less I worry.

Thanks for the tips!

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I wish I could say I’m in music, or the arts, or teaching…but no, I’m a software architect for big industrial clients (healthcare, banking, utilities, telecom). Really dry stuff, but pays the bills and lets me pursue my hobby.

No way I could support myself or my family with a job in music anyway, but in a few years I’ll switch to teaching at the college level when I’m truly fed up with the software world.


I was a Dubbing Mixer/Sound Designer in the audio-post industry for about 8 years. Based in Soho I got to work on some pretty decent (and pretty awful) films and met some very nice (and very high maintenance) actors and directors.

After a spell of doing it on a freelance basis I recently packed it (and London) in and moved back to the coast where I am now working for a family business that imports and distributes Japanese clothing; primarily heavyweight denim.

I’m still doing some audio work for a few companies here and there but am enjoying it being a hobby/passion again, rather than how I pay the bills. Now that the unpacking is mostly done I just need to get the OT wired in and might actually get some music uploaded!


Research scientist in acoustics.


My day job is in telecommunications that pays for my night obsession in audio and video production at an amateur level for myself. Amongst that I find time to alpha/beta test for Avid Pro Audio, InMusic M-Audio and AIR Music Technology that also includes various third party developers. I also do thee odd fill-in position at our local radio network Media Works as an Audio Production Engineer.


Links to any research?

I’d love to read some.

edit: Never mind, google duh
This you?

2nd edit: no text at that site. Still need a link.

I teach high school by day and am an adjunct professor at the local community college an evening or two per week. Mathematics and Physics. Professional topics of interest: Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Gravitation.