I am struggling to get any snare sounds that sound useable out of my MDUW.
I decided to try and recreate com truise snare sound on the track open from the album in decay. its just a standard DMX type sound and I figured it would be easily doable in the MD but I am having zero luck. I have tried layering etc.
some fancy layering was first thing i thought about…
since you tried that… i would say sample… but i hear you think
if i will use a sample… wouldnt my octatrack be quicker…
it might… but sometimes it can just be more fun to have a dedicated drummachine.
Not sure exactly what you’ve tried layering, but layering one of the snares with the noise machine, with a bit of sample rate reduction and reverb does the trick for me.
I struggled with lots of sounds on the MD too… Snares, claps and hats mostly. They always seemed a bit feeble no matter what I did. Kicks were nice on bigger systems, until I heard them through earbuds, Traded it for an OT, never looked back.
It’s either me that sucks at making percussive sounds, or there is much more involved in creating top notch drum sounds like better compressors and eq’s for the sounds I like. It’s perfect for the noisy minimal techno percussive sounds imho, but (too?) hard for sounds with more body.
Yeah, now I have my OT I find it a little useless. Tweaking is fun but the sounds are meh. I should sample more but with no plus drive it feels pointless. Maybe I’ll fork out for the plus upgrade. But would probably rather trade it for a monomachine.
I also don’t have a +drive on my MD. I have about 30 or so kick, snare, and hi hat/shaker sounds that are my goto sounds on the md. I’m able to pull out awesome hi hats from the MD, lots of movement and subtle modulation on the hats with the lfos controlling decay and a few other things. I have a bunch of great kits built up from just those core goto sounds.
I never have a problem with my kits being overwritten. Also, don’t record with the MD. Throw a bunch of one shots in a folder and let C6 do the conversion for you. Almost all my one shots coverted down to 43 kbs.
Anytime I think I want to get rid of my MD I just turn it on and go to ch 16, which on all my kits are a control-all machine. Hit play and mangle the beat into crazy madness. Then hit func + mode and it’s all back to normal. Suddenly the want to sell it just melts away.
30 or so kick and snares? Thats quite a lot more than me. Is it possible to overwrite those built in userwave kits. I dindt realise C6 let you just drag in aiffs. I’ll make some one shots today for sure. If i can get a few decent kits into this machine could be awesome.
Not sure how many you can store on a non-uw like yours (if memory serves me correctly) … but yeah… you can overwrite/delete the pre-filled memoryslots…
Like most on this thread… i just have some “go to noises” i missed out on… (i really wanted a 909 hat in it…) and well i heard you about those dmx-type snare… thats sounds something you would use for “millions of songs”
Not sure how many you can store on a non-uw like yours (if memory serves me correctly) … but yeah… you can overwrite/delete the pre-filled memoryslots…
Like most on this thread… i just have some “go to noises” i missed out on… (i really wanted a 909 hat in it…) and well i heard you about those dmx-type snare… thats sounds something you would use for “millions of songs”[/quote]
Well I went away and made a tiny pack of 13 sounds and man what a fun day. Wrote a new tune, made a new youTube video and well just had fun. Maybe theres life in this old dog yet!
Also thanks for the tip, I totally didnt realise you could just drop AIFF files into C6.
There ya go! The MD rocks!!! It’s the little things it can do that makes it a keeper in my book. I have NI Maschine, which I was sure would leave the MD on auction block after I got the hang of it. But after having Maschine for a year, it mainly collects dust. I’m the type that needs limitations. The MD keeps me focused.
Yeah, its certainly got some new life to it, but if I could get a trade for an MNM I think I would still take it. Just because I really want an MNM or A4.
I found for snare sounds, I always got what I was looking for by turning the tone knob way down, and adding an EQ boost the the mid level and adjusting the noise levels. If needed i might do a low pass filter to help bring out a bit of the hit. I have a very un-scientific way of making sounds, which usually involves turning every knob until I find something that works;)
Yeah, its certainly got some new life to it, but if I could get a trade for an MNM I think I would still take it. Just because I really want an MNM or A4.[/quote]
I think the MnM is much worse for snare sounds…don’t know bout the A4…
Yeah, its certainly got some new life to it, but if I could get a trade for an MNM I think I would still take it. Just because I really want an MNM or A4.[/quote]
I think the MnM is much worse for snare sounds…don’t know bout the A4…[/quote]
Haha well thats true but I can use maschine or the OT for snares if I didnt have an MDUW.
It can take A LOT of time to perfect drum sounds when you build from scratch, this is normal. I’ve heard pro’s in interviews talk about the number hours it took them to create this or that snare or kick. Sometimes it goes quickly. Other times it’s like chasing your tail. You just have to keep trying, and become more and more methodical about the refinement process. Random tweaking and knob twisting is good for unexpected results, but when you’re working towards a specific sound you have to slow way down and refine things in smaller increments.
When layering sounds you may try adjusting the envelopes on each sound so that a specific piece of each sound comes through, rather than all of the sounds playing competely all at the same time (the sum is greater than its parts). For example you may want to have the attack portion of snare A, and the tail section of snare B, and then maybe you have anther snare the plays completely through over top of the other snares to fill the sound out. Your snare may need more snap or more of a tail, etc., so you aim to add only what the sound needs (to your tastes of course) so your sound doesn’t become muddled and flat. This type of Franken-snare building can give you what you want, and can sound much cleaner an punchier than just simply tossing a few snares on top of each other and hoping it works out.
Then of course a little compression (not too much or your sound will go flat), some selective EQ’ing, and maybe a touch of reverb will make your sound really come to life.
Also try panning your drum sounds into different areas of the stereo spectrum. This will give each sound more room to breath and will give you a much more realistic and dynamic sound.