Slide parameter confusion

I thought I had a full understanding of the slide parameter but last night I tried to do something I thought would work and it didn’t.

I also jumped back into the manual and reread the “slide” section and I’m even more confused.

The first thing I tried was to plock the volume at 0 via a trigless lock at step 1 and then, at the end of the sequence, I did another trigless lock with a plocked volume of 127 at step 64. I then added the “slide” lock to the first trigless lock. My intention was to have the volume fade in from 0 to 127 over the whole 4 bar sequence. I guess the question is can “slides” be performed across two trigs that actually have other trigs between them?

As for the other part of confusion (which might actually answer the first too), I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this statement:

For a parameter value to slide between two trigs, it needs to be locked on one of the trigs. A locked parameter value will slide to the unlocked value and vice versa.

Does this mean that if you place three trigs on a sequence, say step 4, 6 and 8, and plock the 6th with say Vol. 127 and a “slide” trig, while the un-plocked steps both have Vol. 50 that the “slide” will occur on both sides of step 6? Would “plocking” step 4 and 8 make any difference?

I maybe doing something wrong but I thought it only worked in one direction with slide: Plocked trig > next trig

Thanks in advance for any help.

what? I always thought that slides only work for adjacent steps? Never really used em yet, though I’ve been meaning to get into using them eventually…

sliding is only between adjacent active trigs (including trigless locks) - there can be gaps ( i.e. no trigs or trigless locks) and the slide from trig can have a higher number (i.e. 1 > 9 or 9 > 1 (assuming nothing between 9+ and back to 1 )
[numbers in bold are slid]
you could of course do 1 > 9 which slides to/from
(well technically from/from) (assuming no other trigs)
you always slide from the slide enabled trig to the next passed temporally irrespective of which has a lock, but one must have a lock for a slide to occur


aaahhhh… Thank you avantronica!
This really helps.

Can you change the slide slope?

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Up :thinking:

Can you change the slide time on rytm? (On four you can, as far as I remember?)

Parameter slides always occur relative to the current sequencer tempo, note slides on the A4/AK are determined by the sli parameter (osc2 2nd page).

AR only has parameter slides, which also are relarive to the current tempo.

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