Silver boxes funeral photo, origins?

I saw this photo online a lot around the time Elektron pulled the plug on the MD and MNM, like A LOT, it really made it’s way around. It seemed like every article citing the discontinuation of the 2 was using it. I can’t, however, locate the origin of the photograph.

At first, I thought that it must have been something official, but now I’m just not sure. In my search, I did see that it was used around that time in this thread:

Elektronauts Tribute Album: Silver Souls - The Lounge / General Discussion - Elektronauts

but without any credit to the source of the photo, which seems to have been outside of Elektronauts.

So does someone know where the photograph originated or who the people are? There’s no real benefit in knowing, just trying to fulfill my curiosity and when it comes to Elektron, you all are the most knowledgeable group I can think of :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’m pretty sure it was an official Elektron pic. I think it was on their website at the time. That compilation was fun to master, but I was never really happy with my track on it, wish I had been able to spend more time on it



That’s incredible, thank you. How did you find that? Do you have a file?

thanks also man, I wasn’t able to find the proof but there it is. awesome!

were those employes?

Just done a reverse image check and there seems to be no info on its origins.

I did as well, to the best of my ability.

It’s in my mailbox.
I have a memory for useless stuff.
Here is the original picture in the mail. Guess it was better quality on the announcement page.


You still have it in your email? That’s the best part of this thread so far! It reminds me I need to clean out my inbox too! haha

Seriously, thanks for your wonderful memory, very helpful!


looks like Troberg there. he wears the same outfit at all tradeshows :sweat_smile:

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It would be amusing if we got confirmation on that :point_up: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I don’t remember this newsletter and photo, but when the announcement came, I told my MD and MM, “I love you guys, you are safe with me”, and they said they loved me too, we hugged, had a good cry, then we watched The Nevereding Story with ice cream and beers.

I haven’t broken that promise.