Silence and Infinity, by (d)


Just letting my fellow Elektronauts know that I’ve released a 5-track EP, entitled “Silence and Infinity.” It’s available on bandcamp, here:

It’s full of Analog4, Monomachine, MachineDrum, and modular.

I won’t even try to categorize it, but if you like synthesizers, ambience, and some beats, take a listen.

Free of charge or pay what you want.

Thanks again to Elektron for making these machines. Without them, I don’t know where I’d be!

Thanks for your support.


nice one mr. lee … entry point is my favorite and fortress is lovely as well, didn’t want it to end.

thanks for the share brother :+1:

If any of you Elektroneers are interested in the “tech” details of this EP, you can read this new blog entry:

Thanks again for the support!