Side panels, end cheeks, rack mounting help needed

Just finished some cherry cheeks or my Octatrack. Pretty pleased with the outcome. Cherry is really nice to work with but takes some sanding. Can send the details if anybody is interested. I reworked them slightly so I could fit the lid on.


Looks super-good! The label-maker ‘octatrack’ on the faderfox gave me a giggle :^)

Any recordings of this setup? It looks like a blast!

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:grin: I have 2 faderfoxes one on the other side for digitone/digitakt - useful if they get moved as hard to work out which is which.

Just starting to get stuff recorded. Couple of tracks and live mixes on Need to record down the stuff I played on the mixes was probably the set that went the smoothest and utilises most of my kit. Polymoon is brand new. (It’s amazing) so nothing with that yet. Hope you like the music :slight_smile:

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This is nice! I do like it. Very subtle and cool and the mix of instruments is sounding good.

Keep it up, keep it clean, and don’t touch your face (ha!)

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thankyou :grinning:

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Looks great!! Please send me the details :slight_smile: I am curious how you figured out how to line up the side screws with the wood? Cheers

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Its quite straightforward actually. I cut tracing paper to the shape of the octatrack ends. And poked a screw through where the holes are. Then used that template to guide the shape of the ends. I flipped the template so it was correct on both sides. I’ll see if I can find it.

I had to cut maybe 5mm from the top of the ends too to accommodate the lid. Annoying as it’s not flush but I’m pleased with it.


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The template was crude but did the trick. I think just cut the wood sides with this in mind

I tested out a load of different screws from Accu Accuracy. Delivered. | 500,000+ Components | Accu®

I think I went with the 12mm Stainless steel ones - They were so cheap that I thought i’d see what lots of different ones were like.


Wow, incredibly useful infos there kind sir. I really appreciate it! Tips fedora

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Hey guys. Bought an octatrack almost a year ago now. Love it more than life itself. Been perusing this forum to try to find solid wooden cheeks/wooden case for it, but all these links are super old and don’t really exist anymore. Anyone have any suggestions? Willing to pay to have it custom made.