Should I trade my A4 for something else? Help me decide

My setup consists of OT, DN and A4 (also OP-1 as a portable scratchpad). Since I got the DN I find myself using the A4 less and less. To be fair I haven’t gone as deep with it like I have the OT and DN, it just hasn’t grabbed me in the same way as OT and DN, at most I use it as a drum machine.

This leads me to consider offloading it in favour of something else, top contender in my mind is an AR, it would be nice to have a dedicated drum machine and while the A4 does an admiral job for drums having a compressor at the end of the signal like on the AR is tempting…

I thought I would gather some opinions from the helpful folks here to help me think it through, other contenders are Digitakt, TR8S, OP-Z or perhaps something else I haven’t thought of… Or maybe I should persevere with the A4.

Has anyone here made similar decisions?


I’ve thought about selling my A4 but it’s to awesome. Haha. I have the OT and DN as well and I think they all compliment each other. With that said, if you’re not using it, sell it and buy a Rytm MKI. It probably won’t cost much more than what you get for the AR. Then you’ll have analog synthesis, one more analog VCO engine, and that compressor.

I’ve debated the same trade, actually, but realized the AR doesn’t really fit my music style.


My A4 is Mk1 as well so yeah I think it should be around the same price point as an AR mk1.

What style of music do you make?

Personnaly, I love using my A4 with sacrificed tracks, inputing L/R and playing with trigs locks, filter and bonuses.
Really cool to edit my MD and OT sounds, adding fxs, delay… Then Ressampling in the OT.


Go deep with it for a bit before you decide.

Try using it as a pure drum machine

Use the fx on other synths etc.

Then if after the further exploration its not for you, then get something that fills any gaps you may have.


I agree, try using plocks and slides(from differnt kind of drums for example) to explore full potential of the A4…

It’s really more creative this way than only using synth patch…
Analo sonud pool / Trigs locks is kind of amazing concept…


The A4 has a bit of an uphill battle before you can artistically merge with it.

But once you’re there, it’s awesome.

The A4 is one of a kind. There’s very little out there that really compares with what the A4 offers. Closest you can find is the Tetra, but all that offers is 4 part multi timbral, and even then the interface is nowhere near as convenient as the A4. All the soundscaping possibilities make it very capable.

It might even offer the most parameters of any Elektron.

Everything about the A4 takes effort to get any sort of worth from it. But you just have to build up those muscles and then it will come more naturally.

Furthermore, the secondhand prices of the A4 mk1 make it hardly advantageous to consider selling. I believe I bought my latest A4 for $530. A steal for what it offers.

Also, sure enough, if you sell it- you’ll probably want another one within 6 months.

Just stick with it. Challenge yourself to make a track just using the A4- and you’ll get along with it better when you reintroduce it with your other gear


I also say: try to keep it. Its an amazingly deep machine if you want it to be, or just like I use it: acid monster :). I got the MKII but that shouldnt make a big difference…

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Used to be psychedelic electronic stuff, but our new album is a big mix of orchestral, ambient, pop, and other stuff.

I’d say go AR if you use A4 for drums only!
AR is much more immediate for analog drums (I tested AR a few hours).

A4’s Soundpool with Multi Map sequenced by OT is great, but not immediate at all. More possibilities with up to 128 drum sounds.

That’s why I’ll keep mine anyway, adding all it’s possibilities of CV / GATE sequencer, filter / fx for external signals…

I hope it won’t help. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I bought a XOX Heart to add the more juicy acid sound I miss. I have to solder it to make a 5 voices acid machine! (6 if I buy a 2nd (80$)).


Way to go, I find it juicy enough for acid and even more when paired with my pulse 2…

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Thanks for the responses everyone, plenty to think about so far, before I posted here I was pretty much set on going for an AR but my wife suggested I post here before pushing the button…

I do think the A4 is an awesome machine but having had the DN for a while it just doesn’t seem to offer much different to what I can achieve on that, I’m not a pro synthesist but I find it quite easy to create subtractive synth type patches on the DN, in my experience so far I can replicate most A4 patches on DN but not the other way round. It would be interesting to hear if there are sounds that are only achievable with the A4…

That said I haven’t really explored the A4’s live inputs with plocked fx and filters, perhaps that will open up new sonic worlds… something to try before making a final call.


I sold my Analog keys a year ago, and just bought another, because overbridge.

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Couple of choices if possible. 1. iPad into OT is awesome. 2. DT into OT is awesome esp as it can take any audio from a pc etc. 3. Analog Heat to make your VSTs and OT sound even better.

A4 can take audio from PC too I think :thinking:+ A4 can be used to make OT and vst better two :slight_smile:

I almost finished my xOx Heart, sounds better than A4 for 303ish sound!
A4 / AK with x0x Heart

Very interested in this thread. I just have a DT and OT. Haven’t really touched the DT in months an was certain the DN was gonna be the next purchase. But after spending a couple hours playing with both at a music store, I walked away thinking the A4 was the ‘winner’ for me. I wanted to prefer the AR or DN, but that wasn’t the case for me

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I’ve had both prior to my current A4. While the DN definitely has a sweet special sound, I feel the A4 is better enabled to explore different avenues.

Granted the A4 DOES take more work, but that work equates to freedom when it comes to designing sounds and performance macros.

Listening back to some of the tracks I made when I owned the Digitone, I do miss it. If they ever deside to release an “expert mode” firmware that wasn’t so focused on ensuring that you get musical sounds out of you box- I’d consider replenishing it.

I’d definitely choose the A4 over the DN, though.

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That’s exactly what I thought :slight_smile:

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I’ve decided to keep it for now, this was the piece of advice that swung it:

Also the price differential with the Rytm isn’t going to make for simple straight swap… just need to stay away from forums and youtube videos of other gear!