Should I buy a Korg ESX-1?

Talk me out of getting a mint second hand ESX someone tries to throw at me. I need help here, guys. Elektronauts to the rescue? Give me reasons to not go for the ESX.

The ESX1 is pink.


So’s my phone, computer and iPad. There, I said it. And I’m glad I did.


Since it’ll be a long time before I can afford a Digitakt, I’ve been thinking of dusting off my faithful ESX once again… I doubt it’ll be as useful though.

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Because your your trying to slim down to one or more things, and those have to be the perfect things, member? Also you can’t get away that easy, once you think your out the nauts will pull you back in…

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But most likely useful enough. I’ve got a weak spot for them old Electribe samplers, though I almost never encounter them in the wild. Thus, the excitement.

I had it. Much more fun with DT, for sure.
Better sound too. Much better filters, overdrive, rev + delay maybe better too.
Better seq, cond trigs, and cond trigs midi.
Smaller but more direct with nice screen…


Good point on the perfect thing.

Though the tribe has a few things going for it, the Digi don’t. Eight bars, pink metallic, such essentials.


Ah yes, the midi sequencer. Strongly in favour for the Digi, for sure.


I find I use the EMX more in conjunction with the A4 or 2880 looper these days, but the ESX does the job. Now I no longer have a Smart Media reader on my computer it’s a lot less easy transferring samples into it though. I know I could sample into the ESX directly, of course… but I generally prefer manipulating samples in Audacity first.


I should mention that if it’s not the SD version, I won’t be needing any talking sense into. I’ve paid my Smart Media dues and am done with that format. No one can pull me back in again. You hear that, Boss SP303? Yeah, not even you.

(though not for lack of trying)

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I was gutted when the SD edition of the ESX appeared… no justifiable reason to upgrade. I guess buying a Smart Media reader might be a good move. I did buy up a job lot of cheap SM cards when the format was obviously on the way out.

I turned the ESX down. I’m all DigiTakt. Despite its lack of pink.


I am enticed by older hardware, but spoiled by newer advances in things like simple USB sample transfer.

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I’m a big fan of the ESX and I have a DT on order now too. I think what I’m going to end up doing is a new rig with the DT the ESX and my new to me SP404 all working together. The ESX and SP will be setup to resample the DT and then be sequenced by the DT’s MIDI tracks. One shots on the ESX and loops/pad ish on the SP.

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Oh good your returning to your senses…
Honestlly I’ve nothing wrong with an esx, but we were asked to talk you out of it :wink:
I think you should get some special pink paint for your DT… :bangbang:


And you did not fail me. One DigiTakt (and a pink air brush) to rule them all.




That does sound like a cool setup

Though the ESX-1 has more ‘tracks’, technically (12 compared to 8, but some of those are shared voices)
There is more performance capability with the slider and ribbon controller.
I suspect that the filter is probably better, though a comparison would have to be made.
It has separate part and step buttons so you can program while triggering samples manually (if that’s your thing)
More effect choices
Samples have an 8 octave range as opposed to 4
128 steps per pattern as opposed to 64.
More audio outs (stereo + 2 others)
Roughly 100mb sample memory compared to 64mb (by my rough calulations of 285sec * 44100 rate * 16 bit)

But probably inferior in all other ways. certainly missing out of probability and the niceness of the plocks compared to recording in modulation manually on the ESX. The ability to choose samples per step. The rich sounding reverb. Sample management has to be better over usb and overbridge compared to smart media/sd. I imagine better sound quality (44.1k on the ESX compared to whatever the digitakt as 48k probably?) though those Korg Elektribe samplers have a beefy, crunchy sound to them, imo.