Shiny new rack

My neighboor was nice enough to make me this awesome wooden rack for my shiny toys…
Its groovylicious, as now i can see both screens and everything nice and reachable.

Nice one!
Did you considered sides space for the PL-1/PL-2 cover?
I would like to make a couple of wood panels too, but i don’t know how the PL cover fit over an Elektron machine, if it rests on the front panel or goes beyond the edges.
That’s essential to make sidepanels/racks that support also the PL covers.

Never thought of that… but…
the sides are not as high/tall/ as the machinedrum and octatrack.
so if i ever buy those covers, they should fit on fine…

the machines are not screwed into this rack… I will stick them in with velcro… (on its own, they sit very nice in the rack) but i like to be extra safe).

the other thing what i probably will do, is get shorter leads/wires for audio…
screw in a socket-bar (for electricity) and get slightly smaller powerleads going into the powersupply… then all things i need to jam, are basicly in my rack… and all i have to do is plug it in… (I dont have a studio anymore, I do all my hardware-fun on the kitchen-table…)

My neighboor said, he would build more, if people asked for it…

oh, and i am not 100% sure… but 97% sure, that those plastic covers do go a bit over the edge. like a lid… might not be much… but enough not to make m slide off.

Yup, would be nice to get some pictures from who have these covers.

Google is our friend in this case:

a whole discussion (with pictures) about the cover + bag on the old forum.
it appears to fit over the faceplate. so you need “an edge” to sit it on.
couldnt find it quickly in the thread, but i think adding rack-ears will
make it not fit anymore…

Wow! I’ve googled, but using “images” tool i didn’t found a cover placed over one of the elektron bags.
And yes, seems that a carving on the rack panels is needed if you want to be panel safe.
Now we would need precise measures, but at this point the only solution is to buy one of these panels and make some tests.
I’ll do without hurry…

I’ve done some woodwork this week too :slight_smile:

Nice setup leighzi!
How much is large your desk?
I’ve sold all my software stuff (Except Abelton Live and some NFR plugins) to set an hardware setup, i’m reorgnizing the desk and i’m curious also about your shelve, if it’s fixed to the wall through brackets or it rests on the table in a someway.