Sherman Restyler

Anybody have an experience with Sherman Restyler?

thank you.

Not much help really but I’m selling one here on these forums. I’ve had mixed results using the Restyler, I just don’t really understand how to get the best out of it. But I’ll say I’ve had more interesting results using it on pads & atmospheres, as opposed to beats.

Bump! Any further thoughts on this? I have access to one for a reasonable price locally.
I’m thinking to strap it across the master of my Digitakt, partly for the filter and partly for the distortion.
Any thoughts?

I sold mine and sometimes miss it beause it has one of the best filters i heard. Used it on the master but it was a bit too advanced for that. It’s easy to boost or cut some highs, mids or lows but i could never decide what sounds best for the mix. Too many options for me. But if you know it well it can be very nice on the master i think.
What i really like is the different envelopes for the the 3 bands. The drive is cool too but only one kind.
I mostly used it for processing drums or add some filter movement to samples.
All in all it’s a lovely filter box which needs a bit of learning to master it. Wonderfully squelchy, liquid filters. Damn, i really miss it now. :slight_smile:

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I’m on the quest for one quite some time now. :slight_smile:

If anyone wants to part with theirs, please holler my way

where do you live tasmansea? I suspect it’s not too far from me

Used to be close. Now with an ocean in between. Not the Tasman sea though. Got one you want to part with?

This thing is a Swiss Army knife

You can pick between -12Db and -24Db filter slope.

You get master and slave filter. For example you can select a bandpass which triggers a low pass.

You can add amplitude modulation to your source.

You get input gain for gainstaging. Then you can also add overdrive with another knob.

You also get a transient designer where you can make things boomy or tighter.

There is also the resonance from the filterbank. If you just nudge that reso knob à little you get good atmosphere without screaming. If you are gonna use the reso knob a lot then use a limiter or else face the consequences. Most of the time I have reso on 0. Most of the stuff I do is subtle with this box.

The RCA input is nice and clean. This is where the Rodec sound comes from. When you chain your turntable into this box it adds a nice hi fi sound to the records you are sampling. Belgian engineering bro!


One other thing I need to practice and test with it is I gotta use it as a transient designer processor for my mpc 2000xl drums. I think I can get some subtle punch added to the stereo out of my 2000xl. It’s on my to do list. I did it with my ensoniq eps at 25khz sample rate.

No, but I see one for sale nearby at what seems like a decent price - suspect that won’t happen very often. Just trying to judge whether I should throw some money at it…

these kind of boxes are a luxury I got addicted to. can’t have enough filters… and there’s very few alternatives that do stereo. let alone multimode… so go for it if you have the dosh, I’d say

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How many of these have folks seen in the intervening 4 years?

I have one in the studio, but actually don’t use it nearly as frequently as I should. This post has reminded me to dust it off and get playing again!