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This was in my back yard this morning. Apparently it didn’t know it was supposed to be six feet away from me. At least. I’m terrified of the things, and I am especially irritated that it was trying to disguise itself as a modulated sine wave. :stuck_out_tongue:


In early March, I celebrated one year as a Substitute Paraeducator. About this same time, I interviewed for two permanent/regular Paraeducator positions; I was offered one of them, and I accepted the job. I was finishing up a long-term substitute position at another school when I was planning my transition to my new school, to substitute there while awaiting school board approval for the new position. As of March 18, I have been sitting at home, as the schools (and the rest of the State of Washington) have been shut down due to a Covid-19! Right now I’m trying to find out what my status is. I feel safe in assuming that I’ve been approved by the board (they have sent info on selecting my benefits, have switched my access page from sub to reg Paraeducator, and sent me a packet on all the mandatory education I must complete within the next year). I still need to find out what my status is as far as pay is concerned (paid ‘work from home’?). If I’m not getting paid, then I need to apply for Unemployment. This week was our regular Spring Break, so I’ll have to wait until next week for answers.


i finally have time to restore this cool cast iron cooking mold i found at a thrift store ages ago. this is more of an arm work out than i expected. thing was rusted to hell. about halfway done now :hot_face:


Woah now you can make official kite splash cookies :wink:

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First jam with my wife today. She is nowhere to be found.



Update: she never came back.


Haha that would be my wife as well. Lovely space btw…

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Ya…she pissed you get the good stuff.


Anybody need more KD samples…:upside_down_face:
Some nice one’s in the download link in the video description.

I found out today that my contract for my new position as a regular Paraeducator is being prepared, and I don’t have to apply for Unemployment. :slightly_smiling_face:


A sigh of relief in these uncertain times. Congrats!

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I made an ambient piece, with a video to go:

And the track’s here, if you want it without the visuals:

I’m going for some kind of haunted feeling, a place alien and familiar at the same time.



Screencap from a “game” I’ve been working on lately, going to be showing in an online art festival soon


Big lizard in my backyard. Checking out what appears to be a decoy duck, which has a pvc pipe going out to it from the shore so I’m guessing it’s a surveillance device of some kind.

I started recording myself for these quarantine performances. Using both Digitakt/Digitone at the same time with one synth on ipad for noise.

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:+1:t6: :+1:t6:

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Hello everyone! I am very new to synths and other than piano lessons at 12 years old, music in general. But I wanted to share the first little something I made on my digitone, apologies it’s just recorded with my phone in front of a speaker.
I look forward to learning from you all and hearing all the cool stuff you’re making​:+1:t3::+1:t3:

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