Setup Advice - OT or MPC or DT+Simpler

You could always get an Analog Heat to replace the Digitone in your setup.

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I would recommend not getting an older mpc (and I’ve had 3 1000s in my time) because as feature rich as jjos is, the tech is old and makes everything slow and painful compared to the new ones. Like loading sample, chopping them on the old style screen and the worst is trying to transfer samples via USB, takes hours.
Tbh the mpc one is capable enough IMO to replace a 1000 with all the modern features. And the export to ableton feature should be of interest to you.

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Yeah i made a deal but got cold feet anyways. I am still young in my musical journey and while i love the DT i know that the OT will create a process of learning that i rather apply to musical theory / chords / sampling etc right now. Eventually tho; i am getting an OT.

I actually just ordered a second hand Maschine Mk3… 325 EUR. The workflow looks a lot more slick and in the way that I plan on using it its similar to the MPC. Ive got ableton so I felt like the daw in the box thing would be a bit too much.

Hopefully a good decision but it was cheap, came with a shitload of sounds and stuff. I looked for a push 2 as well but seemed more like a mouse and keyboard replacement.

Now next step is to integrate my beloved Digitakt.

thjanks for all the replies broskis.