Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

That’s so strange. I have had two now (both bought new, first one was one of the first released), and had no issues except for a little noise on the outputs of the first one. But that might have been my own fault, not gain staging properly, I’m not sure

I use the usb all the time. Not for midi, but to backup my patches to f0f7 lazer mammoth and audition/load them back in if I need to

I also have a pc though, so I don’t know if that matters

Glad you got yours back. I liked what you were doing with it in the “current sounds” thread

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thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I found a few other people in forums who had the same issue. Seems it might be caused by a midi loopback, however I have no clue where the midi loopback was coming from and how a midi loop can freeze the whole synth…

Some people have also reported output noise, I have it when I plug it into maschine inputs. Seems it is sensible to ground loops, I don’t know. It is quiet when plugged into DN or OT

yeah the one i have now is pretty quiet. i was very happy with this one.

i guess it might be because i dont use midi over usb, but i wouldnt say its unsafe to plug a usb cable into it in general. i would be paranoid about it if i were you too though. but i do it a lot for patch backup & import/export. i do have a lot of weird midi loops in my system since i run my lpp mk3 into the octa then into the digitone which routes its own seq midi into a Quadra Thru and then in and thru a few other units, some of which feed bck into the launchpad pro’s midi input and come out a 2nd out 2/thru port BUT that launchpad also gets merged with a midi solutions merger with a second mk2 lpp and any other midi i decide to send via the norns usb to din outs or another elektron/squid/whatever else i have at the moment for sequencing. And i have before merged the launchpad (thru via Octa/Digitone/Syntakt/digitakt midi out) with the keyboard midi out of the Take 5, which goes back through the elektron seq (for recording t5 keyboard midi) and then the launchpad so i can switch between thru and out. so i would think my take-5’s have encountered midi loops. but never usb midi. im not very cautious with these sorts of midi loop feedback issues

so im not being contentious. just wondering if its strictly a midi over usb issue or maybe a strictly mac issue? i wonder if the people who experienced the same usb thing were mac users

has anyone here used the take 5 to control another synth via midi? it has the local control options in global settings, but that doesn’t seem to do what i wanted. playing the keys in those modes did transmit midi to the other synth but also played whatever patch was selected on the take 5. i realize this is probably not a common use for this thing, but it would be convenient in my setup from time to time.

Yep. I like when the company includes a dedicated MIDI Channel for the Keyboard but it’s not a common thing. Novation did it with some Synths (K Station among others). This Feature is too often overlooked.

I did, but I just turned the volume of T5 down, when playing the other synth

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it really struck me today how important the HPF is on the T5

someone here i think mentioned that they use it often when patching on this synth, and it made me approach it more like a regular synth than an auxiliary digital effect in the past couple of weeks. also, having some experience with the P12 taught me the importance of using a hpf in conjunction with a lpf for fine tuning sounds.

it now feels like part of the natural signal path to me, where it didnt really before since there was a lot of talk about how the effects brought down the headroom or something and that, combined with the digital(?) vca did something to the otherwise analog signal. but i dont worry about any of that anymore and its very nice. the hpf is extremely useful and sounds great. i use it in almost every single on of my patches now and it really makes a difference. cranking up the resonance, even just setting the cutoff to right above 0 and blending the wet to like 60-70% really changes the timbre of most patches. i love it. so whoever mentioned that, good call


Yeah, big fan of a HPF too and the T5 really benefits from having one however I wish they had implemented it as a dedicated module/control rather than it using one of the FX slots. Can’t have everything tho I guess.


Yes, me too. P12 implemented it perfectly on the desktop version. Right side by side so you can sweep both with one hand

I think the t5 one is surprisingly good though for what it is. No problem with it now

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nice, 3 days after i sell mine. always wanted the envelopes on the t5 to loop


Filter bypass for osc 2 is a cool feature. I’m sure some of the older Yamaha CS synths allowed you to mix some of the raw oscillator sound into the final output?


My Take 5 sequencer doesn’t stay sync’d to an external clock. Hopefully that got fixed

sounds very nice…

Nicholas Semrad shared a post on Instagram: "My new @sequential_llc Take 5 patch set is now for sale in my online shop (link in my bio)! And for this first week only, it’s $10 off if you use the code “tendollarsoff”. This set is ONLY for use with the...

direct link:

here’s a demo video: Nicholas Semrad's Sequential Take 5 Patch Set (Demo) - YouTube

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for the last couple of weeks, the t5 has been on my coffee table for occasional evening piano practice. when moving it to another spot to clear room, the “portability” angle of their marketing still makes me laugh. yes, you can walk around with it easily because it’s not a long keyboard, but nobody will want to walk around with it or play it in their lap. i tend to gravitate toward EP sounds for practice. the keybed feels good, though it’s not like playing weighted keys, obviously. as my technical skill improves, playing this thing has become even more fun.


How are you liking it in general?

I was surprised how good it sounds for EP tones.

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the take 5 or learning piano? both are good. it’s pretty easy to dial in sounds on the take 5. the controls all make sense. my initial assessment above in the thread still feels pretty accurate. the relatively low number of presets and the way the banks work is kinda “meh,” but it’s not a big deal. the take 5 is definitely a sweet spot synth. sometimes while practicing, i do wish it had better polyphony to play chords, but in an actual recording session or something, it probably wouldn’t matter.

in an instagram post (i think), nick semrad said they couldn’t really distinguish his take 5 EP patch with their actual stage piano. i’m not sure i totally believe that, but it is a nice patch. i use it all the time now to practice keys.

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I was really impressed with the preset patch but with a bit of tweaking it can sound even better imo. Obviously that’s down to taste/function but there’s plenty of latitude when tweaking; it’s not like those exact patch settings are the only way to get a good EP sound. Last track I was working on was an old skool soul track and the T5 did a convincing 80’s EP sound akin to a DX 7 vibe.


yeah, i believe that. you can get that bright, shiny, tinkly FM style piano sound, for sure.

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