Sequencer plugins

Hi all, any sequencer plugins that you can’t live without? What are your favorites?

Since downsizing my hardware I have been getting into more daw-based production and am wondering what everyone’s using aside from their daw’s piano roll. I’m using bitwig, so no M4L ones for me :-(.

I have been doing ok with bitwigs note effects and note grid etc, so I didn’t realize what I was missing until recently when I was watching an unrelated YouTube video about something and the guy was using so many cool sequencing plugins!

Sugar Bytes Thesys. Sequencer with modulation lanes, scales and triggerable (via midi notes, midi cc or mouse) performance scenes like force gate length, only trigger notes above velocity threshold, loop steps, slow down, retrigger, half speed, manual play steps, mute notes.

Great for improvising, developing sequences with complex modulation etc.


Thanks, that one hadn’t shown up on my radar.

Some other ones that I have been looking at were some of the HY ones (like HY-RPE2 and HY-SEQ32) and Stepic (which seems a little vanilla but quick and easy to use).


The HY sequencers are good.

If you’re interested in sequencers with good randomization controls for new pattern generation, you may want to check out offerings from Audiomodern. In particular, Riffer for melodic sequences / basslines, Playbeat for drums, Chordjam for chords.


The HY-SEQ32 is the shit.


Numerology. It’s fantastic.


five12 numerology is the bomb. MAC only though so if you’r eon a windows machine it’s a no go. i don’t think there’s a vst3 version (yet) so you’d have to run it as a vst2 which bitwig supports.

the hyakken stuff at hy-plug ins is dope. the sequencer collection and the one that’s on its own.
the seq32 and the sequencer collection are really great.

sugar bytes makes some good sequencers too. i haven’t tried nest but it’s quite modular.

and thesys seems well loved.

i LOVE the stuff made by k-devices. he’s converted some of his M4L stuff into plug ins. they’re weird, fun, different and essential for me. tatat is great for generating sequences.


Stepic and sequend are both really good.


Awesome recommendations, thanks a lot!

Agreed that TATAT is a fun sequencer. It is great for quickly generating a random, evolving sequence from a limited set of notes. K-Devices has a couple of other sequencers but they are M4L only. Hopefully those will be made available as general plugins at some point.

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I hear GREAT things about Opal by Fors, but I’ve yet to purchase it myself

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I have been trying out a lot of these vst sequencers and I have to say that it is a lot of fun. They all lead to vastly different results.

Opal is great (like everything from Fors), but it is M4L, so doesn’t work with Bitwig.

I just saw SEQUND mentioned in the SW Deals thread and wanted to ask: how does it compare to Numerology 4?

After almost 2 years of waiting for Numerology 5 I finally caved in 2 weeks ago and bought 4, I simply gave up on piano rolls when I’m ITB away from my sequencers at home and Numerology has been fantastic to stay in the creative flow, wanted to check if SEQUND has any features to pair with Numerology or if it’d just be more of the same, haha.

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i don’t have seqund… but i imagine it’s like a couple modules in numerology in a fixed plug in. Numerology is as deep as you need it to be. it’s a rack that you can load as many sequencers and modulators as you like… as well as FX, instruments etc… samples… it can be a complete music making system if you want… but i tend to use it for jams… then save presets of those jams… load it as a plug in in a DAW and track it all out in a multitrack way for editing/mixing…

you should try the numerology demo. there’s also some old ass numerology tutorials on youtube worth taking a look at.


Stochas is pretty dern cool. Free and open source too.


stochas is rad! it’s packed w/features. super dope sequencer.


While I know it’s already been mentioned, I will note that Stepic has become one of my go-to ones in Ableton and Logic. They make a m4l version as well as a VST3 version, so you’d be able to use it inside Bitwig.

I find that the interface made a lot of sense to me once I got the hang of how they’d laid it all out and the amount of power it’s capable of is pretty amazing to me. It’s also become my favorite arpeggiator by a mile. It’s got a very fast method for copy/pasting a seq you come up with and then you can mess around with the copy and push things further out from the original idea and just keep pushing and pushing.

I’ll also note that they’ve done a lot of good tutorial videos on YT that, while the music isn’t my cup of tea, are very helpful for groking the ideas of using the device.


was wondering, this is script from Norns but is there equivalent vst? or some kind of sequencer based on logic functions?

Cong Burn - Strokes

Love working with this and maybe you would too. I find the way the modulations are so interactive that patterns tend to feel very ‘alive’ quickly. Nice performance mode added recently, there’s also sample playback and MI Plaits voices available or can direct the output around Bitwig.