Sequence Roland Sh-09 with A4

I recently got a Roland SH-09. I want to sequence it from A4.
I hooked up a TRS cable from A4’s A/B CV outs to CV GATE ins on Roland.

The only time I can get ANYthing to be sequenced is if i set BOTH A/B to V/OCT. Shouldn’t I be setting A to V/OCt and B to GATE?

anyone have input, please share.

try just one of the cables into pitch control and gate the keyboard manually (or open vca if u can) then swap for the other cable, if they do the same thing your cable is not separating tip from ring (or you’ve not set up the A4 correctly)

see tips here

I have an SH-2 and faced a similar problem. The issue (in my case at least) is that the SH requires a stronger gate signal than most synths, try increasing the gate voltage in the global CV settings and you should be in business.

yep, what he said ^ - i didn’t read the question properly, that answer makes sense and you can have more than 5V to play with if you need !

thanks everyone, got it!!! this is so fun!!!