Separated tracks on ableton

hello. its possible to play separated tracks from Ms on ableton or some other daw? ty.

You can use the panning to split tracks left and right and then record two different mono tracks in Live.

ty…i would like to know how…i have an external mixr. 2in 2out 6 channels …and ableton 11… when i play the midi track on ableton it sends all the activated tracks on the MS. ty for your help.

Do you mean that from you mixer, you have two separate outs?

If so, go settings and Input config to enable 1/2 as mono inputs in addition to 1/2 as a stereo input.

This makes it so you can select mono input 1 on a single track, then mono input 2 on another track.

I’m a bit confused (I think others may be too). This sounds like you want to separate out the audio that’s playing back (there a very limited options for that)

BUT this sounds like you want to trigger the tracks separately by midi.

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If you want to play all the six tracks individually via midi from Ableton live, you first go to the project menu on the M:S, go to midi and under sync you set Clk in and Clk out to off (otherwise Ableton Live would start the pattern on the M:S when you press start in Ableton Live). Then under In Chan, you give each track its own midi channel. You can simply go with midi channel 1 for track 1, midi channel 2 for track 2 and so on if you don´t have any other synths connected to the same midi out from Ableton Live.
Under Ports you set Inp From to Mid if the M:S is connected via midi cable or to USB if you have it connected with an usb cable.
Under Filter RCV Note is set to on.

In Ableton Live you open the preferences and go to the Midi Sync tab. Make sure Track is active for the Model:Samples midi output.

Then you create six midi tracks in Live. In the dropdown menu you select for track 1 to output midi to the Model:Samples on midi channel 1, track 2 to output midi to the Model:Samples on midi channel 2 etc.

Create an audio track and select the correct input for the M:S.

If you want to record on two individual mono tracks, you create two audio tracks in Live. One tracks gets the left output, typical that´s input 1, the other tracks receives from the right output, that´s input 2.
Make sure you have selected 1 (mono)&2(mono) as well as the 1/2 stereo option in Ableton Lives preferences, audio tab, click input config.

Then on the M:S decide which tracks go to the left and which go to the right by panning them completely left or right.

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if you want to play all the six tracks individually via midi from Ableton live :

  • I would like to add an effect plugin to each one.

if you don´t have any other synths connected to the same midi out from Ableton Live:
*i have an ext synth that i would like to add plugin effect too.

and route all that on ext. mixer.
really dont know if its possible with this gear(M.s/Minilogue/img stageline mmx-22 mixer)

I appreciate your help.ty

Not possible. You need to record each track one by one or 2 split as mono and hard panned.

You don’t need to hard pan. You can set the input to mono and only input the mono track.

Use a separate track for the second mono track.

The rest is correct as I understand the mixer only has 2 outs?

Even if it had direct outs he can’t split more than 2 tracks at a time from the Samples. It has no individual outs or overbridge. So the way I’d do it is to record each track separately into the DAW and then process them and send out to mixer (if the mixer is still even needed).

This is why a lot of us bought stuff like E-RMs, so when you record track by track, there is no jitter to offset the groove you made on the hardware.

But there is some software called Underbridge to help automate track-by-track export. Not used it myself.

CORRECTED: Multitrack Export for M:C and M:S - #29 by BKLronin

This link is to hardware called underbridge.

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Thank you, corrected