Sending Note Info through E-RM Multiclock

Hello friends,

Does anybody know how to send midi/note info from Ableton through the E-RM multiclock to a synth? I’ve currently got a Pro2 slaved to the e-rm but I cannot use it’s sequencer properly if I send it sync via midi from the E-RM + note info via usb from the computer at the same time. DSI support told me to just use one port, and I hear you can send the note info to the e-rm via usb and then merge that with the clock that goes to the synth. I read the manual but I’m a bit confused and can’t see to figure it out.


Open up the midi mapper menu and configure it from there.

I tried doing that already. I did channel 2 (which is for my Pro2) taking midi channel 1, and ticked the USB box… I think what I’m not doing right is more on the PC side. What exactly do I do there to get it working?

Enable the e-rm ports in ableton midi in/out prefs. Use an external instrument device in ableton and send the midi to e-rm port x, where x is the same physical port the dsi is connected to. Make sure the midi channel in the ext instrument device and the dsi are the same. Go into the midi mapper in the e-rm and set whatever midi channel you are using to the physical port the dsi is connected to. Then you should be good to go.

This helped me (with additional beatstep pro)

Thank you. I managed to get it sending the notes, but I can’t sync it properly??


I just want to send basic note changes like this so I can change the root note of the sequencer/arpeggiator.

It seems that when I have it set up like this, the E-RM offset doesn’t actually do anything? And I just can’t get the Pro 2 sequencer in sync properly with Ableton. It seems to have quite a lot of jitter too… If I let the sequence run, the first note sounds a bit out of sync each time it starts over. It’s frustrating because E-RM support will respond to my query, then when I reply to theirs, I’ll never hear back from them unless I start a new ticket.

This is the last problem I have (hopefully) with sync that I need to fix.

EDIT: So even when I’m not sending notes to the Pro 2 with a midi clip, it’s playing the sequencer (in sync this time), but I have the play source set to Key so I don’t know how that is happening -.- ahhhhh

A couple things to think about: The Multiclock cannot shift/offset midi notes, only midi clock. Also, you can set the Multiclock to POS, which should fix weird hiccuping on the first bar, but you lose the ability to shift clocks backward in time.

I need to be able to set a negative offset for my Rytm so can’t use positive mode. So are you basically saying there’s no way to get the sequencer working perfectly with a DAW without positive modem That’s what it sounds like haha.

Well, it’s either wait a bar to record or whatever, vs having everything start on time. Also, have you considered setting the Rytm offset to zero, and shifting all of your other instruments ahead, so you could use POS? That’s what I do, with an additional couple ms on the Rytm external instrument device in Ableton (to sync up the Rytm audio with the Ableton sequencer).

Sorry if I didn’t make it clear earlier, but I use a combo of Multiclock offsets plus offsets on external instrument devices to sync up external instruments that have their own sequencers. I monitor through the DAW. My approach is to use POS, find the instrument that needs the most negative offset, set the erm port that it is on to zero (setting a baseline), adjusting the external inst device for that instrument such that its incoming audio aligns to the grid, then kinda do the same thing for all your other instruments, without making any changes to your “baseline” instrument. It’s definitely a puzzle to be solved. Good luck!

Unless you set Track Delay to - (-20 works well enough)

Then you start in ‘the backwords’ area, and now just shift POS (to the right)>>
mine is set around 16:8 to 17.

Now you immediately start everything in sync when you hit play, without that pesky count in!

P.s. Ive also learned recently “Insert Time Signature Change” can save the day!! The multiclock wont engage between whole numbers on the grid in Ableton(arrangement), sometimes you need to create a new “1” and go from there.