Send request weirdness?

Hi guys, I meant the Midihub pipe, but I created myself and it’s working :slight_smile:

@sezare56 the problem with pc sent from midi tracks is that I actually need to send a pc when changing parts. This way (midi>sync page pc) it sends cc61 with every pattern change, so I don’t need to actually configure another program for every part. I guess…

Yes. You can send any midi message to do so. Maybe I’d use a note.

:thinking: if you change pattern without part change the CCs sent by CC request should be the same, hence no need to send them. Isn’t it ?

Ok, this is quite embarrassing: I was going to check the Midihub pipe again and I hadn’t saved it. However it’s working.

And I’ve just realized… all this cc61 stuff I’ve been two days reading about… only applies to AUDIO CC right? :sweat_smile: I’m only interested in MIDI Tracks CC, which seems to update in both ways without doing any extra job

Am I right? :man_facepalming:t2:

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Values sent to OT MIDI In not refreshing

Now that FW2.0 is there - a switch can pull the CC61=0 i.e values from the OT, is that only needed when switching parts - i assumed i need to update the controller, when i control the OT via manual interaction.
Or do i need to update the EC6 also when i change groups on the EC4? Remapping a Note to CC61=0 is for sure a handy idea too.