Scale Per Track question relating to Parts & Patterns

I’m using the Part 1 to pattern 1-4 etc. workflow, and I’m trying to understand what needs to remain unchanged between parts and patterns (meaning: If I change it in one part/pattern, it will cause destructive editing on my others), and it seems to me that the Scale Per Track needs to stay the same, unless you change BANKS, is this true?

What else must stay constant across Parts and Patterns, that a change to a new BANK is required?

Thank you Octafriends :slight_smile:

stored in pattern structure (sequencer related stuff):

  • trigs (all kinds)
  • locks (all kinds)
  • pattern settings

stored in part structure (the environment):

  • machine assignment
  • track parameters (AMP, LFO etc.pp.)
  • fx assignment
  • scenes

I guess a simple rule of thumb is this:

Everything that is executed by the sequencer or required for its operation like scale or tempo is stored in the pattern.

The part on the other hand takes care of the “default environment”: how the tracks are configured, how they “sound” when nothing is plocked, how the crossfader is set up.


This way of thinking may not help learn octatrack ways.

Try this: What is dependent on a Pattern, and what is dependent on a Part ?

@tnussb has already answered that question.

Understand the roles of Patterns and Parts, and you unlock secrets all to the octarealm.


No. Each pattern can use it’s own scale settings (not influencing the settings of other patterns).

This question is confusing/unclear. When you change to a different bank this automatically implies also a part change, because part 1 of bank A is different than part 1 of bank B.

So in a way there is no difference between switching to a different bank than switching to a pattern with a different part in the same bank.

When patterns share a part any change to stuff stored in the part (see my first reply) will influence them all.


Thank you everyone, I totally get it now.

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