Ok I probably just haven’t figured it out yet or I’m over looking something but I create a Multi Map to access s sound slots in the sound pool on different keys and that works until I close the multi map page and then it just goes back to triggering the first sound? I have the sound pool selected and not the +drive which I thought might be the problem . I think I’m just missing something? Can I have multi maps active outside of the multi map config page?
Multimap is not a global config ?
I’m not sure I will use the multimap function, I have to have a look at it, but it seems to me a bit “too much” for what I need.
indeed,is a Global…you have 4
About the MultiMap…today is the first time i’ve used.
After seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck2Cmu5AhvY [ thanks SB-SIX ! ]
It’s really nice when activated for INT trigging being inside the MIDI CONIFG menu, because you can trigger the 128 sounds in the pool using mini-keys. This way you can sound-lock using the keys.,.something as seen on OT for Slices Trig Mode.
So far i love this MultiMap--------yet i have to try all the other options-----it looks reeeeallly flexible
you can use the multimaps outside of the multimap menu, but only with an external controller sending MIDI notes to the performance channel.
the minikeys can trig it only from inside the editor menu.
imo, would be great if the minikeys could work as multimap keyboard from the performance page (optionally).
(additionally, I would do recursive backflips of joy if the current kit’s poly settings would be made available for quick access on the trig buttons next to track mutes on the performance page… voices on trigs 8-11, alloc mode on 12-15, use trk sounds on trig 16. that way the performance page would gain a lot of power, i.e. you could mess with the polyphony while tweaking performance macros, then quickly record a beat with the multimap… all on one page)
Thanks for clearing that up I thought I was going insane. I can record sound locks via the mini keyboard while in the menu but only 1 octave at a time because I have to exit the menu to transpose the keyboard. Would be cool to be able to use the mini keyboard with sound locks outside the menu.
I find it a bit strange that the MultiMaps are global and not associated with a kit. At least from a performance perspective when playing the synth with a keyboard. I at least would like the option to have the different zones transposed differently depending on the kit i use.
hold transpose when in the menu, then arrows up/down. also works in sound browser.
would be quite infuriating with pattern triggers if they were stored in the kit
Did not know that. That is very helpful thank you!
would be quite infuriating with pattern triggers if they were stored in the kit :)[/quote]
Good point.
But being able to transpose the ranges mapped to synth tracks per kit would be nice tho. Would make the multi map function less limited. Or just being able to transpose the 4 different synth tracks separately would kind of solve this.
On the AK there is a “KBD Transp” function/mode that hopefully would let me do something like this. Havent figured out what it does tho.
You can Transpose ! the same way like in the Sound Menü; press Fn + Arrow Down or Up.