Saving allocation settings into a Sound on +drive Pool

Hi everyone,

I was wandering if it was possible to save the allocation settings for a sound that you want to save in the +Drive Pool. I guess i tried to but seems it doesn’t work.

I give you just a quick example. Let’s say I want to design a bass sound and i want to use 2 ou 3 voices for that. I set the allocation to Unison to use the 2 ou 3 voices in poly mode. Maybe detune a little bit to have a fatter sound. Then I want to save that sound on my library in the +drive Pool.

When i start a new projet, imagine I want to use that specific sound on a track, if i load it, it won’t be saved with the allocation settings, right ?

Thanks for your help

It’s a new device to me, so this could be way off the mark, but isn’t this what kits are for?

You save the kit with the sound set up on multiple tracks, and then when you load that kit the tracks are populated for you.

Yes. The voice allocation is a property of a Kit, so you can only save it there.

A bit of context: polyphony and voice allocation has several options, including settings that let you play chords using different sounds for some notes. There’s no way to describe that in a single Sound’s settings; it can only be a feature at the Kit level (or higher up the data hierarchy).

Ok, thanks, very clear !