Sampling and Resampling

Since the recent update ANY kind of sampling I try to attempt it save the file, then ALL audio outputs cease to work. Ive to save then restart the machine.

You definitely on the latest update that fixed a few issues ? … are you on digitakt 1 or 2 … ?

I presume you are on latest , it’s the obvious thing to check before posting.

Otherwise try unplugging overbridge or check the settings as that might’ve had an issue if sampling from usb / overbridge.

Personally I was sampling yesterday from inputs and resampling for hours with no issues .

And before you ask , latest firmware is on elektron site, easy to find

Just to add - expecting your sampler to sample shouldn’t need tech support but the forum is here to help.

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Much discussed. Bug comes in with firmware 1.03, fixed in 1.03A, but 1.03A introduces other bugs.

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I guess you’re talking about Digitakt 2, but it is better to precise it imho. :wink:

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Do you mean recent or latest update for DT2? The recent 1.03 broke the sampling for me, but the latest 1.03A fixed it.