Sampling and mangling on the fly

Hi,completely lost when trying to get answer so will try explain here maybe some of you can give me some insight.

Is possible to hit record and start recording sample from internal source when playing samples from tracks and tweaking parameters annd effect to record what is going on and save this on the fly as new sample? That’s make sense? Know it’s working on rytm mk2 ,if anyone have answer for above ,please let me know.

like this?

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Not really, he didn’t mangle or tweek any parameters when recording, just played samples.

My question is , can you move knobs and affect sounds ,and sample this.But thank you for your link sir

edit :Anyone else can check ,got no Digitakt (again) please?

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it’s possible to capture mono loops of a specific track , main L or R, summed mono main, or inputs, and to change parameters while recording takes place, The recorder can capture an individual track, main L, R or summed mono, or inputs.

It is possible to quantize recording duration but not the start time, so “on the fly sample mangling” capabilities depend heavily on your expectations. The Octatrack specializes in “live remixing” capabilities among other things, while the DT doesn’t, but could technically record a loop and save the sample and add it to an audio sequencer track with a few button presses.

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If it can resample what’s playing from MAIN it should be possible, have you tried it yet?

If i will have my digitak I will not be here …trust me sir

I answered that question. The answer is yes.

Good luck.

oki ,we can then close the topic ,thank you sir :slight_smile:

…if u want realtime sample mangling, there’s still only one solution in hands on hw…the ot.

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Yes Octatrack can mangle audio as soon as recording started.
Definitely not possible with DT as is, really doubting it can happen one day.

That said, using it as a recorder ready to mangle just after recording is almost there, or use it as a looper.

Missing : recording start quantize, and pre-assignment of recording to a track.

It is possible to record a loop synced with audio threshold, set its length before and assign it after to a track with plocks previously made. Better than nothing.

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You can do it on analog rytm mk2.But rytm have no ctrl all from other side.

i will pick up digitakt in store if find one and check.Thx everyone for input.Peace

ARMKII realtime sampling and mangling abilities are the same as DT AFAIK.

AR has PERF, can be better than CTRL ALL, but it can be boring to set up compared to OT.

Interesting…without physically checking DT I’m not gonna say anything new here …thank you for your input, valued high and keeping my faith.

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