Sampling Alternatives to Octatrack?



Octatrack seems 10000 times more fun for expérimentations ! The concrete music machine. You can record you’re synced hardware loops (DN /A4) very easily.


I’ve used Samplr. It was one of my favourite apps, alongside Modstep. But I don’t really want to or like to use the mac/iPad for music making. I’m on of those who like the knobs and buttons! Thanks!

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Ahhh. Yes. But though I love the DN it hasn’t got that modulation flexibility like the OT, same reason why I no longer use the DT. DN and DT beautiful for immediacy but lacking in DEPTH.
And regarding A4 it’s analogue.

no probs, it really is a wonderful app, suitable for musique concrete as well haha

Yup I know it’s a wonderful app. Shame it hasn’t been updated for soooo long.
Thanks for your interest.
I’m playing with the idea of going down the macbook max/msp route…

I like using my OP-1 for musique concrete tricks, though I’m not as good as the peeps who were into it first.

If the Digitakt feels like cheating maybe look into the sp404sx/a or Op-1.

On the sp404sx/a you have to chop by ear (no waveform display) & you have to do most of the work yourself. A lot of people that build tracks on these use the resample method, which is just sampling yourself playing (also has a ton of effects). It has a sequencer as well, a lot of people have a hard time with it (again, not much cheating here), but I like it. The sx & a are stereo samplers, a lot of sound design & performance effects, also can hold a 32gb memory card full of samples.

The Op-1 is a lot more pricey, but I consider it an instrument(actually a few instruments in 1). You record to a 4 track “tape recorder” it has a bunch of synth engines & effects. Also has different sequencers to use. This thing is packed full of stuff plus for the most part YOU are the one that makes the music, not so much the machine making it for you. This thing has an unlimited amount of possibilities, it really brings out my creativity.

Reading your posts I’d consider the OT.
Maybe a MK I ,nauwt wrong with it. Work flow is fine.
With your two other boxes seems to make sense :control_knobs:


Yeah, the OT would be a perfect tool.
But at the moment I’m feeling I want to pursue a more extended sonic texture…like field recording, soundmaps, sonic textures of found founds…
But…if I was going to go for an OT I’m more seduced by the new screen clarity rather than the old fuzzy graphics…

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Your posts indicate that the OT is an ideal option for you. Is there something that make you reluctant to go this route?

You’ve mentioned that you enjoyed Samplr in the past. Well OT can be set up to provide those same functions quite easily once you get used to it with a bit of practice.



Think of the OT like 8 2-track tape machines with the almost immediate ability to manually or automatically cut, mix, glue and playback your tape.

With the side bonus of multimultifx and MIDI sequencer.

I make sound collages akin to GRM or Touch artists - Watson and Nilsen - and the OT is far and away the best for the job in standalone hardware. You would need to to go computer, iPad or modular - ER301, Morphagene, ect - to get close.

If the Empress Zoia could play samples the OT might have some competition. Maybe the Organelle plays samples?

If you just want to playback single files the Blackbox or SP404 (seriously…sick kit) seem very capable.

But yeah. OT.


My reluctance of going down the OT route is that I may find it limiting from a field recording perspective …eg if I’m wanting to record and sample an extended piece of say 30 minutes of uninterrupted street noise, or animal sound, etc etc. Is the OT not limited to about 5 minutes? Whereas if I was to use a computer DAW there is no limitation of what one can do.
I don’t have the finances for both a laptop and a OT.

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Sound collage. Nice.
Like I’ve asked above is the OT not limited to about 5 minutes of recording time?

If I was to record a 1 hour piece for example on a field recored or tape machine…plug it into the OT and sample…could I have the recorded sound continually playing while I sample and manipulate that recording? Probably yeah uh?

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Max recording :
16 bit : 8m28s
24 bit : 5m39s

The logical way would be to copy your recordings on the OT. Up to 2GB files (around 3h30mn).


Hmmm. Nice. Thanks!!

Do you have a Zoom like recorder?
I think they are limited to 2GB files too, and battery time! :slight_smile:

Wirh OT 8 tracks with 3h30 recordings is theoretically possible. I didn’t try! :smile:

A guy tried with 1 hours stems or something, it was apparently staying in sync…


Without breaking a sweat.

To record the result however - if over the allotted time - yeah youre going to need something else. A simple Zoom is perfectly fine.


I’ve had one but no longer. I’ve a bid on an old Roland r26. Sounds a tasty machine. If I don’t get that I may go back down the Zoom route.

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My appetite for the OT is re-whetted.
Thanks all.


Better to take a Zoom recorder or the like for field recording, then later copy to Octatrack . Octatrack static machines can stream audio off of the CF card - very long audio files in the hour or longer range if you want.

If you haven’t read the Merlin guide I highly recommend it.

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