Samples for DT / Model:Samples

Anyone here in the same boat ? And what do you all think about this situation:
When I like a sample I tend to load it on both DT and M:S. So, if I would continue like this I might end up with two machines with the same library of samples. Does that make sense in some way ? Or is it just overkill ?

By the way, same samples sound quite diiferent on both machines. Some noticed that as well?

I don’t have M:S but I think the difference is in compressor setting. From what I know M:S have a fixed setting and DT can be modified. With right settings on the DT you can match the M:S sound I think.

And about same samples on both machine I don’t think it’s overkill, you just can use them what you want so it’s ok to load same library.

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All makes se sense to me.