Sample fading out problems

Hi, I’m a bit rubbish with gear but i’ve been using the octatrack for gigs just with fairly basic non-sequencer “collage” sound making and have had a problem where I load a new sample into a previously used slot and it just fades out, when the previous sample was looping happily before, it’s nearly fucked things up so I was hoping someone out there will tell me what a moron I am (nicely mind), and help me be a little less moronic!

Check the ‘AMP’ settings for Hold and Rel!


I’ve gone through that each time, although it’s usually been dark and a drink or two has been had but it’s mainly the fact that the previous sample is fine and I would’ve changed samples in other tracks before that, it’s really random which track it’ll do it with, and it doesn’t always do it.
Could the filter play a part in it? I end up getting well muddled where the fuck I am with settings!

There’s also a filter envelope, might be what you’re experiencing? It’s hard to guess a reason.

My suggestion is to start a fresh project, fresh track and replicate the situation, that way you’ll run into whatever is happening!

Cheers, i’ll have a go later! I need to put loads more work into it, i’m really bad at getting stuff to work and then never going much further…this thing is so much different!

Thank you for solving my problem!