Sample chain slice grid conundrum (SOLVED)


This must be something really simple… but I’m stumped and can’t find a solution through googling, so here we go.

I’ve been happily making sample chains, with drum hits. Everything goes super smoothly. I place a sample at the beginning of each bar in logic up to 24 bars. Export the wav to my octatrack, make a slice grid and bang.

Today I tried to make a chain of synth samples. To give room for decay, I placed a sample at the beginning of every SECOND bar. Exported a wav 48 bars long at 120 BPM.

But when I go to make a slice grid, selecting 24 slices, the slices created don’t line up with the bars. Stranger still, when I go to examine the sample it shows a trim length of 43.82 bars at 120 BPM.

This must be something stupid but I am not seeing it.

I could be wrong (as could be one of many things!) but wondering if this is a sample rate issue? Is the synth sample chain definitely at 44.1khz?

That would have been my first guess too! But no, the wav is indeed 44.1khz. Unless Logic is doing something really bizarre. I could try making the same chain in a different DAW but geezzzzzz…

Have you zoomed to check if your tight on the grid?

Yup. Checked and double checked. This is so weird.

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Make sure the imported sample is indeed 48 bars @ 120bpm, go to attributes, change to 48 bars, then try slicing.

I’ve done this. When I try to change the number of bars to 48, the tempo changes to 131.45

Yes but did you try re-slicing it with the same result?


Upload the file here and I’ll take a look.

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Sample length should be 4233600 samples 48 bars at 120bpm - when you move the end marker in trim screen to end of sample what is the displayed length at bottom of screen?

It’s giving me 3864743. How do I upload it to you?

Definitely not exactly 48 bars then, seems like the file got truncated, try redoing it in logic, not sure what the export options are as I don’t use logic.

Oh my &^&%&^%&^%&ing ((*

I found it.

There somehow was a TEMPO MAP in my logic session. I discovered this by putting the exported Wav into Pro Tools. Logic’s new Tempo features are to blame. It seems it now tries to adapt the project tempo to samples being recorded in, if one isn’t careful…

So sorry to waste everyone’s time – this is not an Octatrack issue.


And thank you all for helping me solve it anyway!!


Well good it is solved, it may help someone in the future :+1:


The one morbid lesson I've learned through the Octatrack :wink: