Rytm tuning

Hello all

I’m sure some of what I’m complaining about has been covered in past posts, some about the mk1 and some about mk2. Mostly to do with tuning kicks.

Couldn’t find anything specifically about this though which is actually quite a surprise.

I’ve got a mk2 rytm - I use it almost only as a drum machine. In fact often only as a drum idea machine. I love it. A lot.

But when I’m away from home or too hungover to stand upright and spend time around my proper setup I sit, or lie, with it and write ideas. Which of course means I’ll use the dual VCO sometimes.

I know I know it’s a bonus amazing thing that a machine made to create drums can do baselines and melodies and so much more if you’re creative with it…

but I’m hearing pitch drift over a bar even. To the point I have to pitch up and down a few numbers on the dial to get it back into what was in tune a few bars ago. And sometimes soloing a bassline for example I can actually hear it going up in pitch.

Going away from a pattern after falling into a slumber - then going back to it. It’s incredibly out of tune with what I was doing previously. Not because I was drunk.

This is super super annoying. Despite the limitations of the architecture of it.

If this is normal that’s fine. I’ll let it go. It’s a drum machine. Probably the best one around. But if it’s not normal. I’m going to cry.


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You have to let it warm up for a while before it’s in tune again. One of the quirks of real analog unfortunately.

When you wake up, turn it on and walk away for 20-30 minutes. Once it warms up it’ll be back in tune like you remembered.

I have to catch myself sometimes and make sure I don’t listen before warm up.

Besides warm up time, it should go back to the tuning you had before…

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This has been very helpful for me regarding tuning the Rytm:

Thanks Airyck

I should have included in my original post that that was accounted for.

I have a lot of analog stuff and always turn it on a good half hour before starting any fun. Make a cup of tea. Its the meditative moment I use to appreciate the gear.

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It should be in tune if you’re operating at the same temperature as before (fully warmed up).

Have you tried running through the calibration process?

If it’s still off quite a bit after Cal, you may want to contact Elektron Support about the issue.

By “off”, I mean between sessions. It’s never going to track super well over many octaves.