RYTM Pad Colors update?

note to self as a new rytm owner who has seen the light: folks have been asking for a dim setting for almost 8+ years now. There have been so many updates since then! I wonder what the holdup is.


Perhaps we need a campaign. Pick a day, say December 11th (picked at random) and every AR owner email Elektron support on that day asking for dimmable pads.

Who’s in?

Also, I’d like mutes and Performances to use more contrasting colour, and for the Scenes to be a slightly lighter shade of blue. Both scenes and perfs need greater contrast between their “defined” and “on” states.

I’m aware all my contrast requests compete with my hopes for a dimmer.

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Haha, yeah good idea! I seriously can’t believe that such features (which are pretty easy to implement) take such a long time. On the other hand … I think Elektron is the only company which updates its products with new features.

So what’s the date? :sweat_smile:

I’m certain that either they havn’t heard the need, or they have decided it’s not as important as other features or fixes.

What typically happens in product engineering is that big ticket features will continually nudge small tweaks further down the list of “next work”. As existing users, we need a way to make it clear to Elektron that this is more important to us than, say, a 2nd LFO or filter.

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this is definitely NOT more important than a 2nd LFO and filter :grimacing:

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