RYTM Noise Floor

Yea, I would use a gate plugin on my Rytm tracks in my DAW after recording. Definitely helped.


If any of you Rytm noise floor peeps have an OT what I do is run rytm into OT and use the input noise delay compensations To make a noise gate and it trims off the noise!


Yes I use the Rytm with the Octatrack in the AB input , could you explain more about this ?

I’m at work not next to my machines but it should be in the audio settings for inputs ? !

I’ll go check the manual do you have mki or mkii?

Also you can eliminate noise from your kick by running it into its own channel into OT I used to do this but now run the kick into my audio interface then into ableton.

I’ve somewhat embraced the noise and just deal with it now. I have a other drum machines which some are better, some are worse.

I assumed they improved on it in the MK2?

Main menu - control - input


No it has the same floor noise is what I’ve gathered from this forum . Mkii still noisey !

Thank you at least now the Rytm noise stops when I stop the Octa :sweat_smile:

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Yes this!!! , hows that silence feel ? Super clarity achieved !

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After some good hours tweaking and testing, i could reduce A LOT the noise floor on my Rytm !

My main problem was that most of Rytm’s individual tracks was set with a low VOL, like 50, 60. Once i adjusted all tracks in the mix raising the individual tracks’ volume as high as possible (kick on 110, for instance), i could decrease Rytm’s main volume , which end up decreasing the overall noise floor to a most acceptable level. I think this is what someone was saying about ‘gain staging’ ?

I’ll have a lot of work to adjust all individual tracks in all my patterns, but now i’m in peace with my Rytm again :smiley:


Yes, of course. To keep the noise at a minimum level you want to add the source signal as loud as possible to the (constant) noise floor, because any further amplification down the chain (i.e. via the main volume) amplifies the signal and the noise.


I personally want to make it as noisy as possible :slight_smile:


Turn the Distortion up all the way then compressor gain to max :skull::skull::skull:


Pro tip ! Thank you :pray:

Also increasingly getting stoned does not help with gain staging lmao :joy: coming from experience … gain stage then -> smoke weed


I feel like a have a new drum machine ! It’s incredible how the overall sound has improved after these adjustments ! I’m in love with the Rytm again <3


Pro tip!

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If you send your kick into OT you can clear up muddy mixing from the rytm outputs and keep your kick level super high without clipping your other percussion . I started out with a rytm as my first elektron now I love my OT/Rytm/DN combo ! Also you can add 4 distortions to your kick that way with a neighbor track :wink:

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