Rytm MkII lost midi after update

I just updated to the latest OS (1.70) and I have lost all midi connection thru USB. Everything was working fine before thru Logic. I have lost midi clock and all midi control.

Is there a bug I am not aware of? I tried reading thru the large OS thread and didi not see this answer.


Can you re-check what it is currently set to?

Same thing happened to me, it somehow got set to Overbridge. Hopefully that’s your problem too!

In System>USB Config it is set to USB MIDI

In Midi Config> Port Config Input & Output set to Midi+USB

What is really strange is that I tested it with standard midi din cables and those work fine. It all happened after I updated the OS thru the Transfer APP. Then when I went to upload some sound packs the Transfer App would not recognize or find the RYTM.

I ended up reloading the new OS thru midi sysex transfer to see if that would fix it and no go. It is like the USB input is dead now. I have a ticket open with Elektron now. They got my cpu and interface which is just a Mac Studio M1 running the latest OS and Logic and Mio iconnectivity. I have 15 other devices running just fine in here on that setup.

do you have OB installed? can you check if OB app is connecting?
maybe for some unknown reason there’s an issue with the cable?
oh and by the way, maybe for some reason the Logic setup changed? i.e. not sending transport/clock to the rytm?

there’s also 1.70 official bug reports thread you can post to:

I ended up figuring it out. It was the MIO iConnectivity midi interface. I guess during the OS transfer it locked up one of the 8 USB outputs on the MIO. I deleted it and created a new USB-Midi port and plugged the cable in another port and it works.

I was pulling my hair out on that! Thank you for all the replies.